I agree 100%, At times it feels like I know the characters, stories, worlds and have played the games before they have even been released. I guess you can always go on shutdown mode of all things gaming from now until the next big games come out. Hard to do though.
@emacdaddy08 Nope, I thought TLOU on PS3 was a lot better looking than it was also. I went back just today and after playing games on PS4 as of late it does look dark and blurry in parts. Also I noticed some AA problems.
To be honest it just looks to have a better resolution. What you'd expect. Hope it has better AA as I noticed just today the PS3 version has some problems with that.
@DVONvX Kinda ND's fault, Why did they choose that stuff? They could have just chosen settings and cinematics that don't involve big story moments easily. Well glad I've played through and beat the game 3 times by now and Left behind once.
Fair points made in the video. The reason I like open world games is because I can get lost in them and explore them. I feel like I'm just a cog in the machine. That things that are happening around me are happening organically. Watch Dogs doesn't have that so much, but if you have the ability to hack an entire city and everyone within that city you can understand why there would be nothing or no one that needs explored. You understand why there is no mystery that remains. it's because of the core games premise itself.
@origkillmachine There's something about the game that makes me not want to kill civilians. Unless you're talking about what you done outside earlier ;)
Hate to burst the fanboys bubble but there is no real difference between any of them. If you have to pause the screen and look for minor difference in details to tell it's not worth talking about.
insloanwetrust's comments