the first thing me and my friend call the marine of steel and the sleeping phantom, on the ark when you enter the valley in which you fight the scarob at first a marine will drive up in a warthog , as long as you keep him on the level of the cliff you are on right now he will never die,then just look to your left, there will be a phantom just sitting there in the sky and as long as you stay on that cliff level it will not shoot at you or move.
the next thing is the turret fireing turret , this one is easy, just go in to forge and spawn a turret, and put the minimum on map as high as it will go then press rb to use the turret the press b to rip it off and rb at the same time , tada you have a turret that shoots out turrets.
i dont know how many of you have done the trampoline thing, just go on "youtube" and search halo 3 bungie jump. do that , and then have some one kill you so that when you die you fall off the platform in the sky, then exit that match and start watching it in theatre , then pause at the presice moment that you charachter hits the ground, it is hard to explain what happens because it is different every time, but basicly the rag doll just will go completly insane when you fall from that high up.
the end
there is more that i will post later but now it is almost 4 in the A.M and i should be sleeping---