@antiheroeco I subscribe your opinion, i've been playing the game and i'm sad to say, it's just another action game ! the horror it's completely gone ! In the first and second games i was able to feel the fear, now, nothing !
i agree with the editor, pay 59,99 for a service that it has been free in other platforms for years is ridiculous and nowadays even more ! STEAM is AWESOME !!
thats not a valid solution !! when will they "the experts" learn that games only are not the root of this violence !!?? ... genetic, environmental, social, family, and a lot of other factors are part of the equation for the making of a disturbed person !! PARENTING is essencial, and your "gun for everyone" laws should be revised !!
Not only games but all media transmits violence including cartoons, movies and books, and there's lots of examples. And all this stuff is easily acessed by small children. The parental control should be more strict. Also the simple viewing/playing of this produtcs to real disturbs in peoples personalities canĀ“t be explained so lightly blaming every violent products. Intrinsic factors to people like the genetics and the social and family environment, should be taken into account.
internalbleed's comments