Hello, everyone. I know it's been awhile since I last posted something here on Gamespot. The truth is, you could very well be looking at my final blog post here on this site. I grew tired of GS not too long ago, and I just lost interest in posting as well as researching games through here. The reviews take too long to come out, a lot of my favorite GS personnel are gone, and I am just bored with this website.
I have decided to jump over to Gametrailers. I first heard about that site from Warfust, and after doing some research on it, I decided that that was the games website for me. It's a very well-managed site, and some of you should definitely check it out. (And if you decide to join, please refer me when you register, as that'll help me out a lot.) The community there is positive, and although I haven't figured out the site completely, there is a lot to see and do there.
I never forget my roots though. GS was my first games website, and when I joined, I was truly devoted to it. I feel that I accomplished great things here: I earned a few badges; joined a few unions; got through that dreaded level 20; wrote some of my best reviews; and most importantly, "met" a lot of cool people. IppaiMetaru, gugi_nayar, redbandana2, Redertainment (now a member of 1UP), Warfust (fellow Gametrailers member), SuikodenFantasy, Video_Tycoon (Didn't get to know you much, but you were still a cool buddy!), blackthegame, and last, but certainly not least, the lovely veni-vidi-vici (Your blogs were always some of the most interesting reads I did all day.). You were all a blast to talk to on here. Hopefully I'll hear from you.
I will come back sparodically to see what you are all up to, and maybe to do a little tagging while I'm at it. Other than that, you can find me at Gametrailers. I'm still interpolred over there. Feel free to email me if you wish at blink182bcrtp@sbcglobal.net!
Peace, everyone! Thanks for letting me share and for sharing with me. Have fun and keep gaming!