After beating Red Steel 2(and replaying it), i was truly amazed at the visceral new experience offered by Ubisoft. No game cames close to inmersing you into it(the game). All the shooters, and i mean ALL Of them to this date, reacted in canned ways, with riggid timeframes.Your melee attack (knife or punch),goes in a preset mode,hell in the analogs, you dont even aim as fast as you can in real life, but as fast as the analog setting lets you(and then the lack of precision kicks in).In fighting games, your punching speed is determined by a preset value depending on the fighter.Its(almost) out of the question in RS2.You are as fast as YOU are. While few other games in arcades or RS1 attempted it, the technical hidrances diminished the experience to the point of butchering it(you had to wait till the ingame move ended for instance).But no more.
This kind of feeling is the one that will be promoted with kinetic and Move, and in their games. Of course, since the majority of gamers(including Wii owners) ,havent played it, they will see it as something "new".Thats a shame.The game is right there in the shelves looking at them.They ignore it.They play the generic clone in 2011 with spiced graphics.They will say" wow motion controls are awesome ,look at this!" ...
I just think its a shame than the forefather of a succesful genre is being so ignored, and i cant really blame Ubisoft.Perhaps the promotion should have been bigger. It would have helped no doubt.Perhaps Nintendo should have helped them.Maybe theres was a lack of communication between them. To be honest, while the sales of RS2 arent particulary bad, i find just tad ironic than a good but overall been-there-done-that game like Red Dead Redemption sells millions while a game MUCH more entertaining that gets you right truly in the action like Red Steel 2 struggles for its million.Is not fair in terms of being an achievement(RS2 that is), but im sure its fair in terms of budget.
What happened here is a silent gem, and a shame at it.A new genre was born in front of our eyes and we overlooked it. I do hope the guys at Ubisoft get the recognition they deserve and that Nintendo supports these ips much harder even if they dont own them.Like they did with Monster Hunter 3.