When I was in my younger years (12-13) my friends (all guys) used to tell me that I remind them of Morgan Webb. Being the hermit I was, I had no idea who this Morgan Webb was. They tried to explain her as the "Gaming Goddess" of our time, "she is so cool and she is so hot!" they always told me. Naturally I took it as a compliment seeing the way they reacted to her.But today I went and did a little searching on Google Images for what Ms.Webb looked like. She looks nothing like a "Gaming Goddess" and more like a porn star. I know goddess are supposed to be beautiful, and graceful, and any public "Girl Gamer" is supposed to be cute. But, wow I didn't know they were supposed to show as much skin as possible while keeping it in legal limits. She kinda gives us other gamers, who happen to be girls, bad reps.
inumorganna Blog
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