invisiblelife's forum posts
The original CSI is one of my favorite shows ever, so I guess you could guess my answer. Though, I will say that CSI Miami is easily the worst out of the three. It's like a bad soap opera now.LZ71I agree :) I think Miami is way too like a soap. I don't know what it is about Law and Order but I never got into it. :/
I recently got Sims 3 Ambitions. It was a direct download from the official EA website. I have been playing it for a bit and when it was time for one of my teen sims to age up she didn't. I checked the options and aging up is on and the lifespan is the normal 90 days but it still won't let my sims age up. I even tried testingcheatsenabled true and "Trigger Age" but still. They do get their new adult clothes but that's it. No choosing the lifetime wish, still having to go to school, and only able to get a part time job or self registered job. I didn't have this problem on the regular Sims 3. Any tips or a way to solve this problem? Please help!Firescar-WolfI don't think I have had this problem but I have not had that EP for very long. :/
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