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#1 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
I thought that he did very well as the doctor. Remember it is hard to follow someone as good as David Tennant and I thought it was a good try. I found all his episodes interesting and I feel like the only one who thinks that.
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#2 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
I Love this show. I realise the ratings aren't that good but I still find it very funny and clevery written too.
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#3 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
10/10 I Love this programme way too much :)
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#4 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
The original CSI is one of my favorite shows ever, so I guess you could guess my answer. Though, I will say that CSI Miami is easily the worst out of the three. It's like a bad soap opera now.LZ71
I agree :) I think Miami is way too like a soap. I don't know what it is about Law and Order but I never got into it. :/
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#5 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
In order I like them: NY LV Miami Mainly because I first started with LV and its got less exciting since Warrick left :( But I still enjoy watching it. Miami is okay I guess I just never got into it. I love NY because its so exiting and I love all the characters. :D
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#6 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
I recently got Sims 3 Ambitions. It was a direct download from the official EA website. I have been playing it for a bit and when it was time for one of my teen sims to age up she didn't. I checked the options and aging up is on and the lifespan is the normal 90 days but it still won't let my sims age up. I even tried testingcheatsenabled true and "Trigger Age" but still. They do get their new adult clothes but that's it. No choosing the lifetime wish, still having to go to school, and only able to get a part time job or self registered job. I didn't have this problem on the regular Sims 3. Any tips or a way to solve this problem? Please help!Firescar-Wolf
I don't think I have had this problem but I have not had that EP for very long. :/
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#7 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
The Title pretty much speaks for itself. Which one do you think in your opinion is the best. I am mainly talking about the actually expansion packs, not stuff packs which I don't like. I was split between two of the three EP's out in the UK at the moment. But I just chose one... Late Night: I think it is a good idea and it truely entertained me for hours. The graphics are pretty good although it is very slow going into the high rise buildings. The graphics took a long time to react. I think the idea of the celebrities and vampires. It gives my sims more to aspire to be rather than just getting up, peeing ect. and going to work, coming home and sleeping. I like the idea that the town is more about what happens after work and not about going to work (like ambitions). When I first got this game I was rather disappointed. I went to the poshest bars and dances and no on was ever there. I sulked for a bit and then decided to go to a more down market diner and it was packed. This was also where I met my first celebrity and a five star one at that! I realised that its better to steer clear of the high rise bars. I think that they could update this so that a few people actually do go in them. The last thing I was disappointed by was the high rise apartments. My sim bought one when I first made them and at something like 10,000 simoleans I was pretty impressed with th price until I saw the apartment. If you can even call it that! Its more of a flat. But I can't complain because a lot of work went into thia and they can always update it :) So what do you think?
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#8 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
[QUOTE="Treflis"]Easy way would be to just buy one of the expansion packs since when you add it then you use the expansion pack cd to run Sims 3. However that is provided you don't uninstall The Sims 3 at all later.

I agree. this actually happened to me. I lost the sims 3 game and I panicked. But it was close to my birthday so when I go the late night expanison I downloaded it and just used that game for all the expansions. I did actually end up finding the game. My brother had it. But I don't need the original game anymore seeing that I have the expansion pack with everything installed onto it :)
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#9 invisiblelife
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
No you dont you can go back and finish were you left off. Dunno why you would come to a forum and ask this and not just try it. scotty992
Its true. You would only have to work out for another hour. But I agree I would have thought you could have just tried it out :/