Now i watching a special on a local tv station where they interviewed a mother who said VT and the other school shootings were all the fault of game developers.....Now we all know that when you unlock special achievments on xbox 360 it shoots a rocket laucher or a machine gun out the back.....
Ive been playing mature rated games since i was 10 but i dont have the urge to kill all my classmates then proceed to self-pwn.They say that some situations are "life like".Most of us have tried it if you write panzer onto your life keyboard a tank'll drop out of the sky...
They also say that children want to be like they're heroes from the video games they play and think they can do the same thing in real life....Now im sure most of us have wished we were a part of those epic video games(FF7,MGS etc) but we've had the common sense not to do what they do....And if your kid actully think that if he getblown up by a tank he'll respawn at the hospital with no weapon and having lost a little cash,or he thinks that if he take 3 magnum sniper rifle bullets to the face all he has to do is wait for the round to finish then theres something seriously wrong with him/her.
People say the virgina tech shooter trained with exactly how did he do that memorised that b43 is a ak a b82 is kevlar/helmet?
History has shown that people always try to blame something cause you cant blame god for a shooting and since they failed to take music and movies with supposedly also influenced violence off the air they now turn to video games.Im sure most of you have read horror stories ive read 1 or 2 and i consider that worse then video games because you yourself imagine what happened when it says "...there he was lying in a pool of blood" now how did he die i can imagine everything from being beaten with a bat to being dismembered by a chainsaw..
im not saying video games/music/movies have no effect on people but i mean if your kid is unstable you cant say the only reason are the video games.And if a kid actully mistakes a video game with the real word god is gonna throw a lolbolt at him anythime soon...
My advice to the parents if your kid wants a game get it for him but also get him playing creative games like sims,guitar or strategy games hero...thats how i was brought out id play a bit a GTA then switch to warcraft 3