@Devils-DIVISION: for sure no, this is a loot shooter with RPG development of your character, it is meant to be an online experience, of course you can take some activity on your own but now, in this game, it is more difficult to solo it, more time consuming, more tactical than Division 1, with a buddy you can speed up a little bit the slow pace of the story, for myself, with a team of 3 mates took around 16 hours to reach level 30, with minimal side missions completions, only SHD crates for unlocking perks.
it is harsh this score, maybe it is right but still is harsh, i didn't touch the game but i've played beta and i've to cancel my preordered copy because is not for my genre, even in Fallout 4 - script written by a 8 year old boy - i've found a reason to explore, to build, to shoot and to be invested in a story, in last decade the best games were with a strong story, the script is important, its give a reason to play a game, to develop an character, to feel empathy for the world in general, maybe i'm a little bit autistic but this was my feeling during beta of Fallout 76.
iohannfus2015's comments