I'm back again doing another blog post. I never thought I'd ever blog. Ever. Never ever. Never ever ever ever ever. But I am.
Weird huh?
Anyway I've been pretty bored lately. My Cube is pretty dried up, the Xbox isn't mine, my PS2 has never been used much, and my DS only has three games becuz I want lots of Wii goodies on launch day and can't afford screen touching goodness. Suggestions on what games? My brother is working at Hollywood Video and gets free rentals which includes games, and as far as the PS2 goes I was thinking GoW, Rachet and Clank, Ico and Shadow of the Col., and any other games you think I missed out on. Also, I have MGS Subsistence so don't sugest that :wink:
As far as my life outside of gaming goes, right now I don't have any income, and I've been reading and listening to music. Oh, I have been pwning atomsmasher1313 in Hunters becuz when I make a topic about playing it on the forums no one does anything...:roll: so it always ends up being him and me one on one. Kind of annoying after a while :cry:. Well I'll keep this short, and update this when I have something to say. And I didn't really today...I just kind of rambled on about how not-bored I would be if I had some cash to spare. Oh, on a parting note, I really wishI was at comic-con...Star Wars action figures...:twisted: ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!111111
PM me anytime with MPH or MKDS FCs (in my sig, actually :?) and we can play, and IM me or send me an email to chat at gmail.
Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!
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