So we'll start with soccer first and get it out of the way.
The other day at practice, we scrimmaged our girl's varsity team. Not only are they varsity, but they're B conference when we're only C. That said...we played a good game...
And actually won 3-0. Huge surprise, and to be honest we could'should have done even better. That's a trend growing increasingly popular in our games...
...Such as Friday's game. Our first true, league game. We played a team with some people on it I knew who I direly want back (they're both really good). The teams were ridiculously evenly matched. We lost, 1-0. Their one goal was an indirect kick, which can only count as a goal if it touches any number of players before it goes in. Stupidly enough, someone on our wall backed away and let the ball right through, our goalie couldn't see, and the ball went right in. But it never touched anyone.
So they won. Annoying...but hey, it happens. Our first loss :( I talked to my friends after the game and both of them laughed and said, "You guys totally should have won. Your offense sucked, but our whole TEAM sucked." Story of my life.
Anyway, here's my anticipated list. This is games first, and then other things such as books and movies after.
Clocking in at #1 is...
Halo 3.
Yup, that one. Promising gameplay, sure to be epic single player, always awesome multiplayer, incredible graphics, and if nothing else, finally finishing the storyline. I could go on and on, but why do I need to? Number one game of the year, and probably of all time. Yeah. I'm serious.
#2 Super Smash Bros. Brawl
New characters, items, maps, game modes, options, tweaks, graphics, controls, online...Why describe this game? It could be the worst game ever and everyone would still buy it. Not that it will be...oh no, far from it.
After those two, there are a lot, so these from now on are in no order.
Super Mario Galaxy
Yeah this game I'm not super excited about, but if it's half as good as it's said to be then I'll surely check it out. The controls and the premise both sound like they could be screwed up, but Nintendo knows better than that. Either way, it looks pretty and makes big promises, so here's to hoping.
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
If ever a game was as underhyped as Metroid Prime 3 was for so long, it would be this one. IT'S FREAKING ZELDA, PEOPLE! I cannot wait for this game. For a while, the controls sounded unspectacular, the game appeared rather boring, and it looked like it might get tossed onto shelves with potential but no real delivery. Not anymore. The Wind Wakerization is back, and I for one am grasping my heart to make sure it's still beating. It sounds like it's going to be fantastic, and it's about time the DS got a Zelda anyways. Bring it on Nintendo, here's one fan who's biting his nails in anticipation.
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Holy crap guys. This game is graphically stunning, plays incredibly, and is on the 360 which automatically means it's better :P No but seriously, the online sounds sweet too, and it's Ace Combat dude. Photorealistic Ace Combat. I could not be more excited to fly fighter jets in a game. And this thing looks pretty awesome too...
Batallion Wars 2
I loved the first BW game, as well as the GBA Advance Wars games. The cute visual ****belies the brooding process of planning out and executing your moves in these games, and with Wii controls and the oh-so-desperately needed (online) multiplayer, this one is sure to be a keeper. Keep your eyes peeled.
Call of Duty 4
I've been a fan, not fanatic, of CoD games since the first one on PC. 2 and 3 were fairly good, with great graphics but in my opinion only sub par gameplay, this one is finally putting the franchise where it belongs--in the gritty, modern setting of today's battles. I can't remember the last time I played a true, epic first person action game of modern war. Tom Clancy games aren't what I mean, nor are WWII shooters. I'm talking games like Black where it's got big outdoor enviornments, action oriented, more grunt based warfare with real guns and real settings. Those games are surprisingly hard to come by, with the only other one coming to mind being Battlefield 2 which I never had the privelage to enjoy. These things alone make this one worth waiting for, and the awesome graphics and multiplayer can't hurt either.
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Believe it or not, this game is supposedly coming out this year. For those of you wandering what makes it look good...Imagine a game where you can interact with any object you want to. Now imagine the hundreds of unique ways of interacting with these objects, and how you can use them to hurt people. You're just barely beginning to taste what this game has to offer, aside from gorgeous graphics and the always awesome Splinter Cell things. But what happened to the stealth? Well...let's say a fifth game of sneaking around could only be so entertaining..change is good, right?
So basically, that's it for games. To be honest, I bet there's more out there I forgot to add on. Maybe I will come back and add more later if I remember. But that just goes to show you how many good games out there I want...
In terms of everything else, we have:
300 on DVD
I was allowed to see it in theatres...but there's a possibility I won't be able to purchase or receive it personally, it might end up needing to be bought by Kyle, who said he got so tired of it after watching it 3 times in theatres that he didn't even plan on buying it at all. Which is completely ludicrous, but if he's serious then I'm screwed...probabaly. The same thing happened with V for Vendetta...he never bought that...:|
Transformers DVD
This movie was sweet guys. I can't wait to see it again, beause there was apprently a lot of things I missed that other people I talked to caught on to. I also need to slo-mo some of the transformations in this movie to truly appreciate the labor ILM put into them. :D
Spiderman 3 on DVD
Every day that goes by, I find more and more people who didn't like this movie.
Well forget them.
Pirates 3 on DVD
I lol'ed at this picture. To be honest with you all, I never saw this movie...:( So my chance is when it hits DVD :)
Halo: Contact Harvest
Halo books rock. Johnson rocks. Books explaining how Covies met humans? Awesome. Written by the guy who voices Grunts in Halo games?
Halo: Uprising
Written by Brian Michael Bendis of Ultimate Spiderman Fame, these books link the last two Halo games together and sound pretty sweet. Once Christmas rolls around, I'll pick these four comics up if I haven't by then.
Just one. A CD you've never heard of by a band you've never heard of possibly a genre you've never even heard of.
It's called Somewhere In the Between, by Streetlight Mainfesto, who plays ska music. A CD promised to us a long time ago, they're finally releasing it this November and it's gonna be radically awesome duuuuude.
Anyway, to close, I'd like anyone who's eyes aren't hurting to direct them to this little thing :D Night 'fellas, and have good weeks and such.
Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!