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Big blog. That's what I get for waiting so long to write one.

Welcome everyone! I've been commenting in your blogs and such, but haven't written one of my own in some time. I'm doing pretty well, hopefully you all are too.

So where did I leave off? I suppose I'll start with exams. I got them all back. I did, in all, very, very well. Math was the exception, despite my highest hopes, it was a 77. Which isn't so bad. But isn't so great either. Biology was a whopping 90. Class average? 74. My expectation? Somewhere in the 80s. Highest grade was a 93 and the average was a 74. I knew I didn't do that bad, but as for some of the multiple choice, I wasn't sure if I knew the subject matter for a lot of the questions (meiosis, mainly). But I scored nearly all of them right, and was quite impressed. English was a joke (though I'm ever grateful for the joke that is was) with a 99, history was a IN YOUR FACE and a glad I studied...with a 98, and spanish was actually a disappointment at an 89. Disappointing only because I honestly expected it to be higher than that. It really was easy. But anyway, that's that, and going into the third quarter strong should get me ungrounded from gaming on weekdays soon.

School other than that is going well. We started a...dare I say it...interesting unit in Spanish that I find shockingly practical. Math is a bunch of almost too-good-to-be-true easy math stuff. Nothing else special.

My birthday was saturday. It was AWESOME. I had so much fun. Good food, good time with friends, some gaming, movies, we all went to church the next day, and then my dad took me and my friend Ben flying. He flies little one engine propeller planes for Civil Air Patrol and I got to fly this bird. Very windy, but I handled it well for my first time. I also threw up. Which was strange and unexpected. And right after I threw up, I was still my spunky, sprightly self. Very odd. Anyway, the coolest part was that we were a good distance up in the air, and you could see for miles. In commercial airlines, the window is small and you see practically nothing. In this thing, it's like being in a car, only in the sky. You can see out all directions and get large views. Then there was the landing, where the plane was wobbling and twistsing everywhich way, I thought we were gonna clip our wing on the ground, yet my dad pulled off one of the smoothest landings I could possibly imagine, conditions and all.

In terms of gifts, I got a Wii t shirt, Wii lounge pants, and the Nyko Wii Charger which I might or might not keep. See, I think I want rechargeable double A batteries so that they can go in the 360 controllers or the Wiimotes, and we'd just swap them out as we needed to. But I dunno yet, we'll see. Anyways, I also got a 30 dollar gift card to Best Buy, so hello Advance Wars.

But here's the kicker. Between birthday and Xmas money, I have a whopping 410 dollars to spend on anything I see fit. I'm looking at a huge list of games, all of which I have money but not necessarily the time for. The other thing is actually an airsoft rifle of the HK G36. The link insists on linking you to the website's hompage and not the specific product listing, but I'll tell you all the run down and walk you through how to find the page if you feel like it.

Basically, there's two huge air soft companies for the hardest of hardcore. Tokyo Marui and Army Classic. Both have high end selections with high performance capabilites and super realistic modeling. The G36 from each company is priced anywhere from 250-300 bucks. That's...a lot. Now enter what's called the ECHO 1 series of rifles. Clones of the Marui guns so the parts are interchangable, this series is being called a whole new breed of air soft gun. The outsides are as much more realistic to the actual thing as you can get, more so than the Marui it's based off of, and according to the customer reviews, it performs better too. The thing has five stars across the board, from total new guys like me to total hardcore guys around the country. They say it's sturdy, reliable and compact, can take a beating, and the insides are simply flat out better than the Army Classic and Marui. Many people have gone on in their reviews to say that they sold their other models that costed a hundred dollars or more extra in favor of this ECHO 1 that's a mere 160 and super sexy. Detachable orange tip which to me is a huge deal so it doesn't look uber realistic but oh waits...the tip is has a huge 470 round magazine (it looks like the normal G36 mag though, this isn't some huge bulky thing, it just holds a lot of those tiny pellets, duh), and two rails for mounting scopes, flashlights, or laser sights. One on top, one on bottom. The stock folds in when you need it to, and the thing fires full auto or semi auto, which is cool too. Go to the page for more, and read the description. I was ready to buy it by the time I was done reading:

Go to

Look at the top for the tab that says electric guns

type in ECHO 1

and look for the X36C Version 3 rifle. It'll be there on the first or second page.

So what do you guys think? Brawl is paid off, Vegas 2 is coming, and I have the 30 or so set away for the new Advance Wars. What else should I get? Wii Zapper? Ghost Squad? RE Umbrella Chronicles? LSW TCS for 360? Assassin's Creed which I'm almost finished with? Mario Galaxy? BWii? Not to mention VC games. Oh and Orange Box, though most likely I'll borrow that from Steve and end up buying it later...anyways, I have quite a bit of cash, ideas?

Well I think that's it. Not much progress on anything writing wise, which is killing me becuz I have like three things I wanna get finished (or started, :lol: ) although I'm currently reading Black Hawk Down. Very good book, a bit slow and it takes concentration to keep up with it, but it's rewarding in the absolute flat out descriptions of what happens in modern warfare. I like it.

Ow, my wrists hurt. Worst part? I didn't even get to the achvmnt problem(s) yet. Another blog, I'm leaving.

Until next time, I've been a 15 year old irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!