Gamespot, good evening. How's everyone been doing?
Meleeman's alright. No complaints. Let's jump right in, shall we?
School's back in session, and I took all my lingering exams besides the AP modern euro exam which I took before break. Exams felt really easy. In order of ease-
Spanish. Honestly thought I walked out with a 100
Geometry. Not much different. There was one I thought I got wrong. That's it.
English. Always feels easy, never ends up quite how I wish, though. Wasn't expecting anything bad, at any rate.
APMEH. It was hard, obviously, but Chem had me a lot more worried, is all
Chem. Felt ok. I ROCKED that class up until about a month ago, so most of it went fine. But compared to my OTHER exams, I fully expected this to be my worst grade. Somewhere in the low B range.
Well, the turnout was significantly different. Eng was a 98!! I was shocked, I had no idea I did so well. I was expeting high B low A. APMEH brins up second place with an astounding 90. A 70 on that exam would have been gratifying. Needless to say, I was relieved. Next up? CHEMISTRY, if you can believe that. 84. Sure enough, the first three pages of the exam were almost flawless, the last page was what mostly killed me with a lot of points off. Next was Geo, with an 82. WAY lower than I expected, and the only one I thought I got wrong was funnily enough, right. The VAST majority of "errors" were ridiculous true false questions. They were worded to be things like...well, I'll give you an example. "Diagonals of parallelograms sometimes bisect each other." When I read that I said, "Yeah, that's true." FALSE. False because they always bisect each other. I got enough of those kinds of questions wrong that I would have had at least an A. I'm not kidding, it was outrageous. I knew ALL of that crap.
Last? The EASIEST exam of any of them. Spanish. 80. 75 without the generous curve, too. Wtf, mate? I still dunno what happened there. There was a section on commands that I should have aced but botched, and that was the majority of points lost. Still though. Lame.
All in all, exams went ok. I was just glad to get something other than a freaking 70 in math. The last 4 math exams I've had were all in the 70 range. Take THAT! :lol:
Other than that, life's life. Haven't written much as of late. I've seen a few good movies, namely Reservoir Dogs, which I always meant to see and was just fabulous. I'm still reading Rainbow Six. So long. Good though. After R6, I was lent a new (and supposedly really good) book about SEAL training, my friend gave me Ender's Game which I've always meant to read, and there's a new Halo book out which I have yet to read. Gotta get on that! :P
Oh, then there's Far Cry 2. My disk was being fritzy as I mentioned once a while back. It caused freezing and inability to load certain files or parts of the game. It rendered me unable to proceed in the game, so I was stuck. I noticed Best Buy was selling it brand new for 30 bucks, so I went out and bought a new copy, hoping to find someone whose Xbox would play the poopy disk. Well...the new copy has the same problem. I also tried installing the game to the harddrive. No dice. It's a hardware issue, not software, but now I have a pristine copy of the game that I cannot return because of Best Buy policy and a perfectly good used copy which just doesn't like working on my stupid Xbox. I'm hoping to send my Xbox in to have this issue repaired, and in the meantime I just might get some freetime to revisit some Wii games I've been meaning to get to forever. Heck, Twilight Princess alone would last me all 3 weeks or whatever downtime without the Xbox. :D
That's that...otherwise, my birthday's tomorrow. Meleeman turns 16. Flippin' weird, right? It's weird to me, anyways. In coincidence (is that a word?) of turning 16, I got my driver's permit the other day, but have yet to drive. I went flying with my dad today with a friend, who along with me is now in Civil Air Patrol, and tomorrow after school me and some pals are going to SHOOT GUNS!!! MUAHAHAHHA :twisted: I've been meaning to go shoot for ages. I REALLY want to make a habit of it. This is a great time to start, am I right? :P
Speaking of shooting, SEAL training is going. I bumped up my run amount (or maybe I already covered this, I don't remember) so now I'm pushing three miles a day, in bitter cold. It's wonderful. Other than that, I'm still trying to work my workout down to one sitting in a day before increasing any of those amounts. More on that in the future, I suppose. The other thing I wanna do is start full out just lifting weights. The traditional way of getting buff. I dunno what I'm waiting for. Can someone please smack me and get me to start lifting? :roll:
Until next time, I've been a soon-to-be-16 year old irmeleeman5995, and that's weird! Not to mention a mouthful to say! :P