I haven't had the privelage to watch all those long trailers for it that have been surfacing since like 2006, but I owe that to computers that refuse to buffer video mostly. With its release on the horizon and me watching an interview with Hideo Kojima, I can't take it anymore! I want this game!
But, preferably on the 360, thanks.
Hahaha, by the way, I heard Kojima wouldn't let people release early reviews of the game unless they didn't talk about: Cut scene length, installation times, and storage space requirements. :lol: Do any of you know if the cutscenes, which can number into 90 minutes in length, can be paused/stopped/fast forwarded/rewound? I wanted that back when they were like ten minutes...but who knows when one of the 90 minute cutscenes is just around the corner! Make sure dinner's in two hours, your homework is done, and you have popcorn and a blanket, cuz you're watching an MGS movie multiple times throughout the length of the game. It's all good if we have control over it, so my question is: Do we? (I'm serious, if you know, answer in a comment)
I returned from Ocean City on Monday from my weekend trip. I filmed (when you count halves of games) 13 in two days. It was BRUTALLY hot outside, lemme tell you. It was great though, we ate good food, we stayed in a really nice hotel, and I made more or less 130 bucks. I could go into details, but why bother? (That one's rhetorical, don't answer it)
So have any of you seen/playe/heard about that new Battlefield game? I had seen an Alpha build of it a while ago, some guy taking out a helicopter on a mounted machine gun, tearing up dozens of trees in the process and finally sending him spiraling into the ground, smoking and ablaze, for a satisfying explosion. Now, the demo's out and the game soon, and I'm all over it. It's so beautiful looking, and even more impressive is actually the sound. The moment I first shot a gun I was like, "Did that actually realistic sounding gun shot really just come out of my surround sound? That's a first :P" No offense to Halo's awesome sounding guns, but things like the AR don't sound realistic, exactly. Now, Battlefield on the other hand sounds fabulous. In multiplayer, men let out noises and phrases similar to how AI does in a single player game mode, so it's unnerving to be sitting atop a house, sniper rifle in hand, and to hear the sound of far off gunshots echoing through the streets and then people yelling and screaming for their lives or for medics.
It's a great game. The cl@sses all feel evenly balanced and, shockingly, I don't have a favorite. The Assault cl@ss is your assault rifle toting, grenade launcher shooting, self healing cl@ss. Demolitions may have an almost worthless shotgun, but that rocket launcher is oh-too-valuable with tanks and jeeps relentlessly crawling around the battlefield. The Scout cl@ss is a ghillied up sniper, the only class with a pistol, and they have binoculars that can zero in on land vehicles and produce a player controlled missile to take them out in one fell swoop, if you can survive long enough to target and then control the missile. The Specialist cl@ss uses silenced submachine guns and have little tracer guns that are sort of difficult to use, but if you use it right, it serves as a homing beacon for friendly rockets, and even helicopters don't stand a chance. And last, you have the support cl@ss, who carry around Light Machine Guns and also repair vehicles and dole out healthpacks. Unless you're an Assault guy with the self healing plunger thing, support people are the only other chance you got for getting health back in the game, adding a layer of difficulty not found in shooters lately.
For example, it's not a big deal if sniper rifles aren't one hit kills, becuz the guy's life isn't going to magically come back if he hides behind a corner for a bit. Just hit him again when he pops out, or use a tank to blow the entire wall down and possibly take him with it.
Did I mention enviornments are destructible? Yeah. Enviornments are destructible.
It's insane. I've been waiting since Black came out for a game to truly nail destruction in the current generation, and Battlefield: Bad Company is looking like prime contender for that spot. Artillery strikes leave giant ditches in the dirt, underbarrel grenades blow away cement walls to reveal escaping enemies, tanks barrel over trees like they're twigs, and sniper posts mean nothing now, as tanks can level basically any cover a sniper can have in a building. However, in a wise developer's choice, buildings' structures remain intact, so while all the walls and such can be destroyed, the buildings cannot come entirely down. I appreciate that, I don't want the place being flat, you know?
Anyway, I could go on about how I feel like people take 20x more bullets to kill than I do, how lag can seriously affect every aspect of the game, how team killers run rampant and constantly run me over with tanks, how artillery and vehicles are annoying and severely unbalance gameplay even if they ARE BF's trademarks and even if there ARE countless ways to counter them, and how unrealistic reload animations make the process take longer and cost me lives or kills sometimes, but that isn't the point. Make bullet detection work better, make sure that the number of people permitted in a match will not sacrifice connection speeds, take off team damage (PLEASE) seeing as apparently I'm the only person alive capable of not running over or bombing my teammates, and at least make the volume of vehicles a lot less: spawn them less frequently or just cut back on the amount. It's not fun or fair, unless you're a serious noob who absolutely loves the fact that you can drive in ANYTHING and that just makes your day. I'm more mature than that, and I'm here for killing people, not pissing everyone off by spamming vehicles.
But I WON'T go on about that, becuz when you're in a lag free game with half decent teams, the game kicks the crap out of Call of Duty 4, and even the game's very, very wry sense of humor and wacky plot line have really intrigued me, and it's shaping up to compete will Call of Duty in that aspect as well.
I suppose that about covers it for now. Battlefield...why can't it come out in September? It's coming out June and I'm gonna have to buy it......:( When am I gonna make time for other games if Battlefield gets in the way? :lol:
Well, until next time, I've been a blowing everything in sight up irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!