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I'm bored, haven't written a blog in a while...what to cover...

It's been a while, eh guys? I've officially become the 3 times a month (if not less) blogger :P I never feel like blogging anymore :lol: Don't ask me why, I have no idea...:roll:

There's a fair amount going on in meleeman (brawlman)'s life right now. Grades are mostly fine, with the ever present math issue at hand as well. I finished Black Hawk Down (I don't think I mentioned that in the last blog, did I?) and that was pretty sweet. I've been meaning to watch the movie but haven't had time...

In games, I picked Phantom Hourglass back up last week FINALLY and FINALLY got past the part I was stuck on. First try anyone? :roll:

I enjoyed it for all of maybe two hours before I went to bed that night and didn't play it anymore since :P I recently came into a few new 360 games, one of which is Far Cry Instincts Predator or whichever the heck the 360 one is, and Spinter Cell Double Agent. Both are games I've been meaning to play forever, and after playing a few hours of Far Cry, I realizes how hard and frustrating even the littlest gunfights are, due to lack of Halo's minute auto aiming. I've realized that thing which I often dreaded is actually one of the, if not the most nuanced part of all three Halo games. I never realized how much auto aiming in the little degree in Halo really helps keep beads on targets. In a game like Far Cry where it's straight up aiming, it's so easy for me to draw a bead on some guy's forehead and then end up shooting half a clip of MP5 ammo over his shoulder after he takes one step and my crosshair won't stay on his face.

Spinter Cell, on the other hand, is quite, QUITE awesome. It's the first SC game I've ever had the privelage of playing online, and I found the expereicne to be a bit rough in spots but overall, very enjoyable. It follows in Vegas's footsteps as it is prone to freezing. The match stystem is a bit odd too. You pick a map you want, and whether you want spies or mercs, and then it finds a created match for you to join that fits your specifications. Only if it doesn't find a match will you have the option of making one yourself. This is always my preference, so it's annoying to have to pray when you hit find match that it won't and you'll host one. The solution is to pick a map no one plays and then switch it once you've made a server to the map you want.

It does some things better than Vegas though. At the lobby screen, if you want to switch teams, you hit Y, and you'll switch, but if there's no room on the other side, a little symbol pops up next to your name that signifies you want to sswitch, The next person on the other team to hit Y will then switch with you, assuming someone wants to. In Vegas, if you had a full server, you couldn't switch teams unless someone left in order to keep the numbers even. This little difference really streamlines the online.

The other thing I liked was that you can switch maps at the lobby screen and THEN load the map you're playing as the game starts. In Vegas, when you're at a lobby, it loads the map while you're in the lobby, so you're constantly being interrupted when the host switches a map or gametype. SC did it very intelligently the way they chose.

Anyway, onto the game itself. I have yet to even bother with campaign, which is usually my cardinal sin, but the online is so blasted fun that I haven't gotten around to it. It's very intimate gameplay, with teams of three on three (perfect for my friends Matt and Steve, plus me). The spies are unarmed, save a remote hacking device that does things like shut off lights, disable the enemy's HUDs, and hack terminals, two of which need to be hacked and then brought to your spawn for victory.

Spies are only armed with night and thermal vision, atheletics/acrobatics, dropping on mercs from high up to knock them out, stealth, and the ability to break necks if you manage to sneak up on a merc. Mercs, on the other hand, handle much differently. The mercs play from first person and have guns, grenades, flashlights, EMF vision, spy drones, and a melee attack that knocks out spies in circle around you. They're slow moving and can't go too many places, but have spy drones to scout anywhere and self destruct when you want. You're vulnerable to getting your neck snapped while droning though, so watch out.

As I was saying, the mercs' main goal is to last the 20 minute time limit without getting two terminals hacked and captured, losing all four lives, or killing the opposing team until they're out of lives. All in all, it's awesome fun, and I realize I said a lot but didn't even cover everything I wanted to, but I'm cutting it short for your guys' sake :P

So that's my Spinter Cell experiences. Also, I've played a bit of Halo recently as I was a bit off at first but I'm more or less in mah groove now :D Sponge, this weekend we have to play Halo 3. I cannt stress this enough. When you comment on this, as I know you will, tell me when we're going to do it, as far as I know I'm totally free.

In closing, read it :D According to the Writers' Lounge, it's fairly long and apprently ridden with typos, as I predicted, but I think it turned out well and you guys will like it if you invest the time in it. :D

Until next time, I've been an airsoft gun accessory shopping irmelee(brawl)man5995, and that's a mouthful to say!