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I'm on break, let's blog!

:lol: See what I did there? :P

So yeah, I'm on Xmas break now, until Jan...something. The Wednsday after New Year's, whenever that is.

I'm so pumped. Lots of family is in town, lots of time to spend not worrying about homework, and time to game!

My dad said no about the sword for Xmas, as I figured he would, so I just gave him a list of some movies and games and told him "surprise me (with like one or two of six)" so I can't tell you with "certainty" what I'm getting instead. Hopefully he'll go for the AC6 with flight yoke bundle :D I would love that.

I also got the Halo 3 maps finally. Of course, I only played them for like an hour on the day I got them, and haven't played them since. Becuz of Assassin's Creed!!! AC is amazing, I'm so into it right now. I've been doing every side mission/view point I can and trying to do it stealthily and professionally. I'd say it's working failry well, save the main assassinations themselves. Only the second one could I do stealthily, all of the others either didn't allow for it at all or screwed themsevles up.

The gameplay is pretty sweet. I'm totally into the wall climbing, it's executed so beautifully and it really grants you the freedom to use anything as a handhold like you would in real life. None of those obvious ledges at preset hights that you can grab, you can climb (realistically speaking) every nook, cranny, corner, rock, brick, wall ornament, window sill, you name it. And when you get to the top of those view points man...ohhhhh my goodness they're fantastic.

Other than that, the controls themselves take a bit getting used to and I'm tempted to say the learning curve is even more steep than I had heard--which is usually the other way around. Either way, once you grasp the controls, you have complete mastry over Altair and slowly but surely regain your abilities and weapons until you are unbeatable. Of nine assassinations, I just finished my fifth. 2 down in Damascus, 2 down in Acre, one down in Jeruselum. The plot thickens :twisted:

The graphics are certainly a sight to behold. Gorgeous graphics are becoming a mainstay now, but they still impress me as they should. EVery single object is rendered in beautiful detail, clouds in real time move over the sun and cast shadows across the towns and slowly roll away. And the soft object physics, such as Altair's cloak, are hands down the most consistently good of any I've ever seen. Anyway, I can't wait to buy it (and I certainly will) and I'll prolly review this one shortly.

On that note, if you're all wondering why I haven't written a review in a long time, is becuz I like to play through mainly single player games once through, wait a long time, play it again, and then see how much the initial shock of "OMG Zelda on Wii!!" wears off, and review it from there when I'm more sane and ready to examine it fairly. The problem is, there's so many games coming out I haven't gotten a chance to replay games like TP and MP3 since their initial run through. But with AC, I can already tell where some people will start to get bored with it's repetition and I can certainly take that into account with a review once I've fully completed it.

Anyway, over the break I'll be around, so shoot me an invite for Halo action if anyone is interested.

Oh, I almost forgot. Meleeman=has Facebook now. I got talked into it, er rather, I've been being talked into it for a while and finally an old friend of Kyle's was the tipping point. His name is Lucas, and he is the man.

What? You don't have a Facebook? That link isn't relevant to you? :roll: :P

Until next time, I've been a IM ON BREAK irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say and is also not grammatically correct!