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See the album All Killer No Filler, track number 8 for today's title.

I refuse to tell you what that means. Look it up :P What? You that lazy? You're already on teh intarwebz. Jeez guys.

Anyway, at the end of my last blog, I promised my adieu until summer. And now it's here and so am I. In the flesh!!!!!

Well, I'm HERE in the flesh, but not THERE, on your computer screens, in the flesh. In fact, I'm not there at all, just my words. But enough philosophy. Listen to me, 9 hours on summer break and I'm still thinking :P

I'm on summer break now. It feels delightful. The past week was exam week, two exam periods a day Mon-Thur, half days all. Me, I only had one exam a day except Tuesday with two, but on the flip side, a lot of people I know who had multiple exams on multiple days got altogether done earlier than me, so it's a tradeoff :P Personally, I think having a whole night to study for one exam apiece, resulting in possibly increased exam grades, are worth the two more hours of school this morning :P

Speaking of which, I already know the results of two of my exam grades! Math, being in a class with 8 people (I still wonder how every class besides ours was full), our teacher simply graded our exams on the spot.


I was more or less happy. And a bit surprised too, cuz it was the same grade I got on last year's math final :? But being 1 point away from a B and 9 points up from my average quiz and test grade, I was satisfied. And, all the errors on the final were computation, which means I at least knew how to approach every problem. If I hadn't studied/reviewed, I would NOT have remembered how to even approach most of those problems. Makes me feel special in a way :lol:

The other was my history exam. The class is deceivingly hard, but I studied well for it. I retrieved something from my teacher's room today and he mentioned that I got either a 99 or a 100 on the exam, he couldn't remember. I looked around and went, "Me?!" It was funny :P

Also, for any of you who read my Arthurian legend on the Writers' Lounge, or for any of you who want to, I got a 96 on that. I got taken off for it being too long! I seriously laughed at that :P Better too long than too short:roll:

So normally I'd give you other school news, BUT IT'S OVER. Dude, I can't remember the last time I said that. Last summer you say? Psh :P

I have to say, being happy for the end of school is more than face value. Sure, I don't have to worry about early mornings, homework, and dumb teachers, but more than any other summer in memory, I need this one for the time. All week, I came home from school on a wonderful half day where I could be enjoying myself, only to need to study for exams until lightbulbs burned out :lol: All the other days since January was just cuz I was forbidden to game on weekdays :P

Today was marvelous becuz it was over. I was free to do whatever I wanted. So I mowed the lawn and then got right to work on Rainbow Six Vegas 2's campaign, which I have STILL not beaten, though I now draw very near :twisted: I have to say, I'm gonna have to play through it again, definitely for the Realistic difficulty achvmnt, but also cuz I've played it over the course of three months, so some story aspects were...shall we say...lost? :P But I'm loving the enviornments and the sometimes annoyingly intelligent enemies. It's a more satisfying experience than the first, I'd say. Although, it has thusfar lacked in casinos...

At any rate, after I beat Vegas I shall hope to snatch Assassin's Creed from a friend and do the last assassination to wrap up the game. After that, I'm thinkin' Bioshock...*whimpers* yes...for the first time ever...

Anyway, I've recently read two books. One was a Spider-Man novel called Drowned In Thunder. It had a GREAT plot with interesting twists and it kept me guessing, and it captured the feel of the comics, movies, and Spidey himself so utterly perfectly that it was at times eerie. The other was the third novel in the Dexter series called Dexter In the Dark. I had been told that it utterly destroyed everything loveable about the two books previous, and after stalling far too long, I picked it up from the library to see for myself. I finished it in like three days. It certainly had weird parts, with the main backdrop of the serial murders happening being very mysterious and kind of weird cult religions, but the plot development, writing, and characters were all argueably at their best yet. I audibly laughed more at this book more than I remembered laughing at the other two, which is saying a lot, and the characters were all as great and loveable as ever. Also, the plot itself developed in a way that was so spell binding and captivating that I don't think the other two, or any other book I've ever read, has kept me enthralled like that. Now, I can't decide if I liked it more than the other two, but in its defense, I can't decide on a solid favorite, so it's not automatically worse :P In fact, it was argueably the best one even if it wasn't necessarily my favorite one.

Let's see, the only other thing is work. I'm sure I mentioned it in the previous blogs, but those far off summer lacrosse tournaments that I would be filming for $$$ started last weekend. I filmed 11 games over the course of 3 days, for a total of 110 bucks. And last time, a bunch of the games ended up getting seriously rained out, and a bunch of the teams ended up packing it in and calling it quits. Kinda sucks actually, the playoffs and therefore championship were entirely cancelled! For 600 dollars a team and almost 7,000 people registered in the tourny, I'd have been upset if I was a player.

That said, this weekend we're going to Ocean City, MD, about 3 hours from where we live (we being me, my boss, my boss's son who goes to my school and is in my grade, and then this other guy who gradtuated from our school a few years back). We're staying overnight, and with a little help from God to keep rain away for a weekend, I can count on more $ over the same amount of time :D Also, unbeknownst to me until last weekend, the four tournaments I expected to do are more like six or seven, and then there's a few more off in the Fall!

That's very sweet, and plus, if the expensive airsoft gun plan falls through (I'm hoping to get a ~$400 airsoft gun with the money), the runner up is an iPod touch, so I'd end up waiting till Fall for the new line to be released, and then take a pick. That'd give me time to store a lot more money up to I wouldn't be breaking the bank on one big purchase as soon as I was able, which my dad does not often like me doing. The other thing I might do if I can't/don't get the airsoft gun is to upgrade the one I already have into a, say, 450 FPS gun instead of 350? That would make hitting long distance targets a bit easier, make the gun altogether more accurate, and of course, those soda cans would put up as much fight as warm butter to a knife.

Well, that's all I have to say on the matter. the matter being...summer. Which, if you still don't know, is the title of the eighth song on Sum 41's album All Killer No Filler. It's also one of my all time favorite songs ever, you should totally listen to it.

Until midweek next week, I've been irmeleeman5995 on SUMMER. BREAK. and that's a mouthful to say!