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Hey GS guys. How is everyone? Good? Bad? Will you answer me either way?

I'm alright. Grounded from games again on weekdays now that school's back. However, last Sunday I got some serious time in with Ace Combat for the first time in a week or so, and my goal was to either beat it that night or get to the point where I unlock the F-22. I went from mission 11 to mission 14. Ho. Ly. Crap that game is hard. But I got the F-22 and nearly beat mission 14, which was a blast, before Matt made me play Halo with him. Hopefully this weekend I'll finish up that campaign and get some online multiplayer in. Then...well...onto Phantom Hourglass....

Last weekend was my school's homecoming. Yup, that late. We don't have a football team so it's during basketball season. And yours truly got to film two of the three games (JV boys, Varsity Girls, and Varisty Boys played, and I filmed the two guys games). That was pretty fun, I must say. The JV team was the one with all the guys I'm friends with on it, so it was awesome to watch them win 66 to 20 something for their homecoming game. The girls' game was alright, and I got to sit in the stands for that one with some friends, and then the V boys game was the single most intense sporting event I have ever wittnessed in my life. Neck and neck, timeouts every 20 seconds it felt like, radical calls, double overtime, came down to one kid on our team blowing past three defenders with 2 seconds left to score a layup to make the, I just know we had been down by one before that and the lay up made it up by one, then the buzzer rang and the cheering was deafening. A bunch of people I talked to afterwards said they couldn't watch. I was like, "Yeah, try having to film that. I was ready to throw the camera if we lost." It was insane.

Other than all that, school sucks. I have quite a few exams coming up, and it's more or less my first year, but last year I had mid terms and what not in Spanish and Algebra which were both high school classes. Now I have exams in pretty much everything, and I'm confident but not that confident. We'll see how I do, they start next week...Oh, and in other school news, I got an afterschool detention today. Why? For being late to homeroom more than 8 times this quarter. But alas, it's not poor meleeman's fault his carpool is late 95% of the time in the morning and therefore is made late. Now two years ago, I had a similar predicament and my parents simply wrote me out of it with a note saying...."Yeah it's not his fault." So when I got it today, I passed my brother in the hall and he was like, "Oh so what did you do?" I was just like, "Well I got an afterschool for being late to homeroom too many times." Then I showed him the paper, tore it in half, and threw it in the garbage. That felt amazing.

Until next time, I've been a hot even though it's the middle of January in Maryland irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!