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Thanksgiving. Amen.

It's time for the second or first best holiday of the year. Well, for Americans anyway. Thanksgiving!!

Great food, 9 days off school, and plenty of fun. What more can you want? Turkey, stuffing, bread, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie...and GRAVY!! Oh yes, Thanksgiving is a good time. I wish it could be like it was back when it first happened when it was three days straight of feasting and celebration. But then again, we have 9 days off and you always eat thanksgiving leftovers for the next five days anyway :P But yeah so...meleeman is a huge fan.

That's not to say I'll only be eating though. 9 days means catching up on gaming and reading. Contact Harvest, which I am ashamed to be only halfway through, will be read this week. PH which I am still shamefully behind in will be played a fair amount. I've also checked out FEAR for 360, so I hope to play and beat that single player since I was only about 2/3 done on PC before I had to give it back to Kyle's friend Chris. On 360 I get to see it's excellent visual glory anyway, and I'll get acheivments. Heck yes!

In other news, I'm 25 wins away from Commander in Halo 3. Jeez that was fast. I might get that over this break, but I'm not staking money on it with FEAR here.

In writing, I'm working on a rather lengthy short story inspired by, but not based in any way on, Ace Combat. It's turning out even better than I thought it would, and you can read what I have so far here. Enjoy, and I'll be working on that a lot during the week off too. Also, I realized I took a break from posting Metroid Chrons. 2 on the Writers' Lounge with Halo 3 and never started again. I'll start that up over the break too.

Oh, hey, look at that, I'm a level 25 now. Interesting. :D

Haha ok so back on topic, the last thing I have to say is about my soccer party. With our season over, we had a party yesterday to celebrate the season. It was really fun with good food and just hangin' around with the awesome people from my team. It sucks that next year most of them will end up on varisty. Oh well, I'll still have my fellow freshman guys.

Well everyone, for being so long between my last blog post and this one, I really don't have anything else to say! :) So I'll finish up by posting this. My kill/death ratio went down by .01 :( But my highest level is now a whopping 39 :) THAT is impressive by my own personal standards.

Until next time, I've been a turkey feasting irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!