So the other day I was sitting at home and said, "Hey, I want to play my Super Mario Bros." So I run back to my closet, pull the NES out and hook it up, push the cartridge in and press the power button.
Blinking screen. I pull it out blow the cartridge, put it back in, movie it around in the slot and pressed the power button again.
After a while of thins I find it is broken. I look online and find some guides to fix my NES and i do everything they said. I cleaned out all cartridges, disabled the limiter, and cleaned it, but it would still not start the games up, just displaying a blinking sscreen.
So I go online to see what a NES would cost........$70 BUCKS! Not for that would i spend so much $$$$. I do some more reaserch and scroll down one screen on Ebay and see: Top Loader NES buy it now $20 free shipping.
Doing more reaserch I find it is called the YOBO FC game console. Since the patent for the NES wore out, the other companies are now allowed to make rip off consoles and sell them at dirt cheap prices since they are so old.
I got it today and it's the greatest. Uses the same old NES Cartridges and has the same 7 pin connecters to use the old controllers + it coems with 2 controllers with turbo and slow buttons. All in all I was very happy. If you need to play your NES games for cheap and an emulator wont do, this is definatley the way to go.