The water effects are amazing, no **** worthy of bioshock nearly.. When a bubble grenade is thrown the force field looks amazing. Is graphics all it is to people now??? Buy the game, play it and shutup n enjoy. It is a real looker in 1080p on a bravia. It looks miles better than resistance fall of man, and im not **** about it. Hardly any real gamers anymore, these fanboys need to bugger off. And they have to make character models less good looking, so they can get more of them onscreen in multiplayer OBVIOUSLY... GET HALO!!! its fun... :D And the lighting looks wicked NA3D, Fellow gamer...
Why do people post bad comments... If your nasty you post nasty comments, make evryone else feel bad.. Just piss off ay.. We love the games,so...Go be nasty to people who give a damn.
ps3 works backwards with psp, and free internet(coooooooll) top-knotch games and even top-knotch developers say its the best console... xb-x and Wii has brainwashed you people. free your minds LOL
ironside92's comments