So today we had someone from the counseling section of the college come and talk to us today on different personality types and how this affects us in the workplace. What a load of BULLSH!T. This woman actually thought that people could be defined in little boxes and that all of our decisions were based on how much we fit on one side or the other of a scale.
Apparently I qualify as an introverted, sensing, thinking and judgemental
individual. WTF does that mean. We were supposed to answer a bunch of
questions about how we felt and reacted in certain situations. So this
means that I am supposedly unable to do certain things according to her
little boxes. According to the constraints that she would like to put on
everyone, I am incapable of Feeling, or Intuition, or even Perceiving. As a
cl@ssmate of mine said, 'go to hell'
It was a waste of time because no-one in the whole engineering department
took it seriously other than her. Not even our profs cared what we did. We
were supposed to split into groups and determine our group weaknesses and
what kind of person we should add to our group to improve its dynamics. We
said we needed a dwarf, and that one of our strengths was body mass.
This will be providing a source of jokes for the next few weeks before exams
take their toll.