ishomoru / Member

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ishomoru Blog

Oh, the fun of chores in FFX!

Well, it's been fun finally playing FFX in a while.  Right now, I'm leveling in the Calm Lands capturing fiends and stealing Fire Gems so I can customize a piece of armor for Tidus to give it a Fireeater ability.  Otherwise, it was funny pummeling Belgemine's aeon since I had Ifrit in Overdrive already, and Yuna was also in overdrive.  A measly two 9999's in two turns and the battle was over.  Funny watching it.  Otherwise, just scavenging for the items to get some people's ultimate weapons.  I also finally got the 3rd level spells for Lulu, including Demi (talk about a useful spell).  Well, nothing else going on in the FFX world.

Now with my life, I'm in my high school musical "Joseph and the Amazing Techincolor Dreamcoat" as Benjamin.  It's been a great achievement with all of this stuff. Well, nothing else to post about, I'll give another report soon!


Well, Saturday I slept in till about 11:00am, then I got up, showered, had KFC for lunch with the fam, then left for the matenee` performence at the ShowBoat. (I'm in Beauty and the Beast Ensemble. Ensemble is a big group of peeps in case if you didn't know.) Got back at 6, ate dinner, then left at 7:20pm for the second performence, started at 8:00pm, then got done at around 10:00pm. It's about twenty to 12, and I'm just sittin here, postin on the forums, updating my journal. :D

Life so far...

Anyone seen American Pie? Yeah, well, "there was this one time, at band camp..." where it majorly sucks! Yup, that's right, I'm in high school, and band camp season has started. I actually play oboe, but since they don't march on the field, I'm stuck in the pit playing xylophone. It's fun though, and our theme is Dick Tracy.

I've also been acting at a place in my hometown called the "ShowBoat." It's been so much fun, I love acting and singing, there's nothing else to it. Only problem is that there are approximently FIVE gay guys on it, but there are straight peeps, thank God. And hot girls...*drools.* Anyhoo...haven't really done this journal thingy, seems how I already have my own Xanga page, but I just thought, "What the hell, I'll give it a go." So here I am, typing at 12:30am, hoping I won't get caught by my parents, hehe, lol.

Haven't been really playing my PS2, although I managed to play a lot of Beyond Good and Evil today. I've had that game for ages, so I finally decided to finish it up. I'm at the Slaughterhouse, trying to complete another report for IRIS Network. Otherwise, I've been leveling in FF X-2 or dancin away in DDR Extreme.