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ithilgore2006 Blog

Isn't it true...

Isn't it true that....

Triangular sandwiches taste better than square ones.

At the end of every party there is always a girl crying.

One of the most awkward things that can happen in a pub is when your pint to toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger.

You've never quite sure whether it's ok to eat green crisps. Everyone who grew up in the 80's has entered the digits 55378008 into a calculator.

Reading when you're drunk is horrible, don't even bother trying if you're stoned.

Sharpening a pencil with a knife makes you feel really manly.

Your never quite sure whether it's against the law or not to have a fire in your back garden.

Nobody ever dares make cup a soup in a bowl.

You never know where to look when eating a banana.

Its impossible to describe the smell of a wet cat.

Prodding a fire with a stick makes you feel manly.

Rummaging in an overgrown garden will always turn up a bouncy ball.

You always feel a bit scared when stroking horses.

The most embarrassing thing you can do as a school child is to call your teacher Mum or Dad.

The smaller the monkey the more it looks like it would kill you at the first given opportunity.

Some days you see lots of people on crutches.

Every bloke has at some stage while taking a pee flushed half way through and then raced against the flush.

Old women with mobile phones look wrong !

Its impossible to look cool whilst picking up a Frisbee.

Driving through a tunnel makes you feel excited.

You never ever run out of salt.

Old ladies can eat more than you think.

You can't respect a man who carries a dog.

There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when you've got your head or hand trapped in something.

No one knows the origins of their metal coat hangers.

Despite constant warning, you have never met anybody who has had their arm broken by a swan.

The most painful household incident is wearing socks and stepping on an upturned plug.

People who don't drive, slam car doors too hard.

You've turned into your dad the day you put aside a thin piece of wood specifically to stir paint with.

Everyone had an uncle who tried to steal their nose.

Bricks are horrible to carry.

In every plate of chips there is a bad chip.

A Joke

A driver is pulled over by a policeman. The police man approaches the driver's door.

"Is there a problem Officer?"

The policeman says, "Sir, you were speeding. Can I see your licence please?"

The driver responds, "I'd give it to you but I don't have one."

"You don't have one?"

The man responds, "I lost it four times for drink driving."

The policeman is shocked. "I see. Can I see your vehicle registration papers please?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do that."

The policeman says, "Why not?"

"I stole this car."

The officer says, "Stole it?"

The man says, "Yes, and I killed the owner."

At this point the officer is getting stressed. "You what!?"

"She's in the boot if you want to see."

The Officer looks at the man and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes, five police cars show up, surrounding the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

The senior officer says "Sir, could you step out of your vehicle please!"

The man steps out of his vehicle. "Is there a problem Officer?"

The officer responds, "Yes, could you please open the boot of your car please?"

The man opens the boot, revealing nothing but an empty boot.

The officer says, "Is this your car sir?"

The man says "Yes," and hands over the registration papers.

The officer, understandably, is quite stunned.

"One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving licence." The man digs in his pocket revealing a wallet and hands it to the officer.

The officer opens the wallet and examines the licence. He looks quite puzzled. "Thank you sir, one of my officers told me you didn't have a licence, stole this car, and murdered the owner."

The man replies, "I bet you the lying jerk told you I was speeding, too!"

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundie

Came across this in my internet browsing, found it funny and true.

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of your god.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from lesser life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Trinity god.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" -- including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loop-holes in the scientifically established age of the Earth (4.55 billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by pre-historic tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that the Earth is a couple of generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects -- will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet you consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving".

3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to prove Christianity.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many Atheists and Agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history -- but still call yourself a Christian.

Bye Bye GS reviews

I'm no longing trusting any GS review from now on. There's been just too many, overly harsh reviews. Not every game "has" to be utterly revolutionary and like nothing ever seen before. Resistance, LoZ: TP, Red Steel,  MGS3, LoZ: MM, Metroid Prime: Hunters, CoD 2,, Shadow of the Colossus the list goes on of reviews that were harsh just for the sake of it. All those games were critically acclaimed by many game sites, including IGN, who I might add, are very fair with their reviews. 8.8 was the last, GS. I'll be remaining on the forums, but GS's reviewers have lost all my respect by now.

New Game Idea

I thought of an interesting (IMO) game idea, which probably would work as either an adventure game, or an RPG: You create a character, and immediatly at the beginning you are given a time machine, and can go back to any period in history, and change something in the past, and return to the future, and see what has changed. The game would obviously have more or less limitless senarios, so it would probably utilize a varible system. I'm guessing a game of this size and grandeur wouldn't be possible for a long time, at least not in the scale I envision. Now this game may seem a little too vast, but imagine what the world would be like today had Hitler never existed? Thomas Edison? Caeser? Or if the Earth had moved ever so slightly to the side for a few minutes 65 million years ago, and the meteor never wiped out the dinosaurs?

My plans for the next generation

  • I've fully made up my mind on what to get this generation. I will get a Wii at launch, with LoZ: TP(both versions), Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3 and either CoD3 or Far Cry. Within the next year I hope to get an Xbox 360, along with Mass Effect. Once the PS3 has a price drop, and MGS4 is out, I will then buy it. During all this I will hopefully be upgrading my PC to Vista and Direct X 10.
  • This way I can ensure that I don't miss out on any of the great games on the three next-generation consoles and the PC. Expensive, but I'd say it'll be worth it.


I will be in London from the 9th of August to the 14th of August. So I obviously will not be online during those dates.

View on the next gen

As it currently stands, Sony have the most market share by
far, at least in the home console business, with over 100 million PS2s shipped.
Of course, a number of these are replacements for broken PS2s, however that
does not change the fact that the number of PS2s sold is over double the number
of Xbox’s and GCs sold. Sony has been king of the console market for two
generations now, and like Nintendo before them, it has made them arrogant. They
believe their brand name alone will sell the PS3, and it’s status as a cheap
Blu-Ray player. Both of these are flawed; brand name, to casuals at least, will
not justify $500, and $600 is out of the question. They are also unlikely to
care about Blu-Ray; all they want is a games console. Casuals make up a great
deal of Sony’s market share, and until a major price drop, which probably won’t
happen until well into 2007, Sony will be rapidly losing customers. Less customer’s
means less sales for games, which means that developers, will begin to jump

As proven with the DS, innovation, and games that appeal to
non-gamers and casuals, works. Obviously, the Wii will get some criticism from
casuals because of the name, and Nintendo’s current image among casuals.
However, if the Wii-mote is as good as they say it is, and Nintendo set up
plenty of booths in stores so people can try it, more and more people will buy
the Wii. This, along with the Wii’s easy game creation, will encourage
developers to jump ship to the Wii, should the PS3 do badly.

And as for the Xbox 360, it has already seen moderate
success, and with many anticipated titles in production for in, coupled with a
major price drop, could turn the Xbox 360 into a huge success, at least in
North America and Europe.

Altogether, this next generation will be closer then the last
one. Sony, I believe, may still win, but will lose a huge amount of market
share. Microsoft’s second games console should see more success then their
first. Nintendo, if their gamble pays off, will be vastly more successful then
the GC, and the N64, and take them back to the forefront of the market. 

Graphics Wh*res

Something interesting and also amusing I have noticed about a number of the cows on the Gamespot Forums, paticularily System Wars. For the last two generations of consoles, they have had an undepowered system, i.e. the Playstation and Playstation 2.

In the last generation, the PS2, Xbox and GC era, they defended their console by saying that graphics do not matter, and that it is about the games. They labeled lemmings "graphics wh*res".

Now they look for reasons to bash the Wii. They go on about the Wii having worse graphics then the PS3 endlessly. In fact they are foolish enough to claim that there is no improvement in the Wii's graphics over the GC whatsoever, even though there is a very clear improvement. This has shown them to be huge hypocrites. It's slightly sad that they seem unable to like more then one console.