I can't help but respond to this thread. The people who made the myspace are some really shallow people. I mean, just look at the reasoning behind doing this:
1) he deleted people's forge maps
2) constantly made ignorant comments
3) made horrible forge maps on halo 3
4) he harassed numerous friends on his list via text messages just for not liking his maps
5) He also sent pictures to those friends showing his disgusting junk.
6) he never listens or works together as a team on any game and constantly runs his annoying voice talking **** (to team-mates, that is.)
I don't know if i've ever seen anyone cry so much over a video game in all my life. I guess some people need to grow up.
"Made horrible forge maps on Halo 3" Hahahaha, WhoTF cares?
"He never listens or works together as a team" Again, WhoTF cares? Don't play with him.
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