I can see why this game has such a cult following! I mean, this game got everything right! Well, almost. The absence of battle animations notwithstanding, I am finding this rpg to be seriously entertaining...probably because its a parody of sorts on the entire rpg genre. I love the cartoony graphics, the pace. I even like the turn based battles! The enemies move about the land, so no random encounters. And best of all, it doesn't take itself too seriously. If this isn't one of the best rpgs for the SNES, I don't know what is.
itstitoagain's forum posts
What about other games? Do they stutter or have difficulty running as well? If its just God of War, I suppose the dvd's gone bad. How old is it, and how often have you played it?
And when I mean changed, I mean "Holy ..., I've been blessed and shall never be the same ever again"-changed. And as for near destroyed, I'm sure all of us know what that means.
For me, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Shadow of the Colossus and...Ocarina of time. Planescape came close.
Having to hold the Zapper right against the tv screen to shoot things in Duck Hunt
Hahahaha! I remember doing that too!
I remember the first time I saw Super Mario at a friend's place. I came back home and couldn't think of anything else except "I HAVE TO GET THAT FOR MYSELF". Got gifted a NES that year too. :D
Anyone here play Karnov? :P
WRPGs have evolved better then JRPGs, and in my opinion there is a far bigger difference between say, the gameplay of Diablo 2 and Elder Scrolls 4, then there is between old and new JRPGs.
Just for the record: Diablo 2 is a completely different kind of rpg than Oblivion. Diablo's a hack and slash rpg, while Oblivion is a story driven, yet completely non-linear first person rpg (or third, whichever way you play it). JRPG evolution wise, I wouldn't say they have evolved terribly much. While I now admit that may not necessarily be a bad thing, there's the fact that turn based systems were implemented precisely because of hardware limitations in early consoles. You can't have that excuse anymore.
To get back to the basics: Why do you think the turn based system appeals to so many? And what improvements would you like to see in future JRPGs?
There's so many of them, I grow bleary eyed just thinking about it. Which is your favourite? Mine has to be finishing Chip and Dale 2 at one go one sunny afternoon. Sigh.
Does anyone here feel that JRPGs use tradition as an excuse to not experiment too much? I don't see how the turn based battle system is relevant anymore, or even fun, with the extreme random encounter rate.
Well then it's a good thing your opinion doesn't matter, since some of us still like playing games with the turn based battle system.
Look, I'm not trying to offend anyone here. I myself have been a huge fan of JRPGs almost all my life! I recently purchased Dragon Quest 8 for the PS2, and suddenly I realised that the only thing keeping me going was the story and the graphics! The JRPGs of yesteryear were graphically rich too, in their own way, but somehow, the battle system and the storylines in games like, say, Final Fantasy 6 or Lufia 2, for example, blended so seamlessly that as a whole, it was a fantastic experience! Now I understand that a multitude of people have grown up on this system, and are understandably nostalgic and fond of it, but have you really ever asked yourself if spending 2 hours to level up for a single boss battle is worth it or not? I would get it if the battles were fun and required skill, but they don't! Most of the cases, its button mashing and healing at regular intervals and thats it! It's fun in the start, but they get unnecessarily drawn out as they approach the end, delaying the inevitable! I love JRPGs for their storylines, but an RPG has to be more than just reading a book! Its a game! It requires player involvement, not just to the extent of encountering monsters and getting just enough cash to go buy that weapon in the next town. Get your stats high enough and all 'strategy' flies straight right out of the window! Why do you think I'm spending this much time writing on something like this? Because I loved the genre, and because I don't want to see it die out because it decided to not change with the times! Check out every other genre...RTS s, FPS s, Adventure games...they've all evolved with the times! So why not JRPGs?
And why do I get the feeling that nowadays, certain people finish games just for the sake of finishing them? Just so that they can go around saying they've played it, regardless of whether they liked it or not. Its sort of like books. Its more important for some to finish the book, and feel great that they've read such a lot, rather than enjoy it as well.
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