Oh god..this guys pure awesome for that..Did they try blowing on him?
ixkingxr's forum posts
Itll probably be my main console soon..
They did get into console gaming to stop Sony from dominating... So if the NGP comes out on top I'd expect them to release a next Gen portable aswell..(Lol Next gen Portable)
Aww I leave for Air Force Basic on April 19th... sucks..
BTW whats happening Arch this is the Shock_Trooper from ftb1
Also COD BO online is just down right CRUNCHY it's like a mans FPS game online it's just so bad ass if you are any good at this game you will know what I mean. Nothing sweater then owning some fools then pulling out the chopper gunner to know you are just dominating chumps as you lay waste to the map.
Hmmm so the winning team is rewarded with reinforcements? WtF unbalanced garbage.
"I go where I Please, and I Please where I go"
"What are you waiting for, Christmas?"
"I hate to kick my own ass, but its got to be done"
" I'm an equal opportunity ass kicker"
"I'm not gonna fight you, I'm gonna kick your ass"
"You invisible headshot scripted cheater"
"Let God sort em out"
"Who wants some"
"So many babes so little time.. dont worry girls there plenty of Duke to go around"
"Babes...Bullets...Bombs, damn I love this job"
"Damn.. I Hate Disco"
"Nobody steals our chicks... and lives"
"Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine"
"I ain't afraid of no quake"
Duke Nukem
Mass Effect 2 is no doubt the GOTY
(Opinions may vary):roll:
Mass Effect 1-2 the absolute best games I have played. The storyline is amazing. But you know Haters Gone hate
Awesome.. just bought this monster today...
We lost cause of politically not on the battlefield... they got theirs worse than we got ours.
edit: political reasons not politcally =p
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