For 20 years people have been trying to get inside the minds of Hideo Kojima. Although, many have come close, but it seems that he is always one step ahead. Can we ever figure out his story? What do those eggs mean? Does the world end with Snake, or is reborn from him? These are questions I and others will always ponder of, but never know until Mr. Kojima himself deems it neccessary for us. Me, I have been fallowing MGS since it was MS, and have done my best to unlock the story before the next Meta Gear game comes out. Being that we are looking at a possible 4 years until the next one, that gives me a decent amount of time to try and unlock the meanings of MGS4. But, you can not understand a story unless you understand where it came from. Being that MGS4 wrapped up 20 years of story, you can't deduce a plausible hypothosis from the obvious being stated. That is pure foolishness. You can only understand the meaning of the information, and then think around the box.
"Jay, don't you hate when people are still confined to those 4 walls?"
"What do you mean?"n=
"I mean, how hard is it to think outside the box?"
"Dude, it's even harder for me, my box is round"
For years, I have tried to understand the story in MGS and realize that it's a story you just have to look inside of yourself to figure out the true meaning. This game is above your tradition a and b story, this game forces you to think, challenge your beliefs, and gives you the "What If" that you can never expect to think about on your own. Because in every game, every part, has a role outside of the role it was intended to play. Because, if we don't open our eyes and try to understand who role they play in real life, how can we ever expect to understand their role in the MGS series? Do you not see the line between real and fake being erased? Is it not ment for us to explore our reality to make us wonder, "If I turn a page in a book, with the next page be blank?" Because it is up to us to write our own history. And if you really want to understand the story of MGS, you have to understand how every single part of MGS plays a role.
"Ya know, when it comes down to it, The Patriots are just like the UN, regulating the world"--Debrin
I myself, always thought there was a greater meaning. Then again, it could just be a game. But why would someone go through so much just to tell a story? 20 years and it's more than just a reason to spend 60 dollars. I have felt the world is on a social decline because we are lost to cliche's, lack of uniqueness and the concept of "Self". TV in MGS4 during the first act reflects the time snake lives in and how war has changed the world. Have you actually sat infront of a TV, turned it to a channel, and not watch it like it was your favorite after school program, but begin to watch it as a documentary of life. Think about how it reflects how we live today and what thinks can you notice of it? Does it reflect power? Unity? Love? Hate? Stupidity? Violence? When you can find out what that means to you, then you can start to decipher the story that is Metal Gear Solid.