If true I hope Konami's secret game is the rumored 360 Castlevania w/ Alucard... That would make me very happy :)...
j03yAsunder's forum posts
I want a new Megaman game and a Strider game... I think it's about time for Strider Hiryu to make his come back...
I really hope they will still give you the option to play the game in its original 2D format. I'm not sure if I really dig the "remake" idea, but ah Hell I'll still d/l it anyways... I loved that game :)...
If your letting friends tell you what to play, then your playing video games for the wrong reasons... I play w/e I wanna play and could care less what anyone else thinks, you should do the same...
I'm gonna have to go w/ Bionic Commando (NES) or Megaman X (SNES) on this one... Two of my all time faves right there...
You need the schematics for it. I got them a while ago, I can't really remember where... I think it was after completing the quest where you steal the Declaration of Independance. I think after you do that and give it to the museum guy at Rivet City he'll give you caps and the schematics for it... Hope that helps...
Yeah the d-pad is pretty horrible... You think they'd learn from the first xbox but I guess not... I hate it cuz even when playing RE5 and use the shortcut keys on the d-pad it ends up reading a different direction giving me a weapon I don't want... Street Figther IV takes the cake for me though... I think I'm gonna buy that fighter pad...
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