The Best part of all this is that Sasha DEFINITELY screwed Naomi...
Sasha was going to be Sasha... She "took her ball" and ran home before, and has done it again.
This time she (Sasha) got someone to walkout with her... And both left in one of the worst ways possible, mere hours before the show... And the main event to boot.
Now there is ways of handling this professionally, and this definitely wasn't it.
If it were me, I would have just handled business the way the company that's paying me easily 6 figures wants, than after business, me and the boss would take care of business.
Naomi got the worst part of this, because i feel it was just a matter of time before Naomi was to be included in to the Bloodline storylines, and actually might have gone over, since its her real life family (by marriage) and it could have rejuvenated her career, given the chance.
Her chances on that happening now... Maybe if the Fatu family name can protect her, like they have with Jimmy, and his 3, then she might still have a chance...
If i were Vince, and they walked out on my show (especially the main event) causing rewrites, and not to mention, screwing over the other Woman (they were supposed to team up with and face off against) when they (woman) already have a hard enough time getting TV time, and here we are, the main event (that so many low card male & female superstars would have jumped at the chance for) was handed to them (with a couple gold belts) and What do Sasha & Naomi do?! They throw the gold back at me, spit in all of the other superstars faces, "say" were too good for everyone, and leave the building...
What chance that they appear on AEW in the next couple of months?
Impossible. All main roster superstars (male & female) have 90 Day (3 month) Non-compete clauses in their contracts.
So unless WWE decides to forego that part of the contract with them (which they won't, especially after how "Sasha & Naomi" left their cards, or in this case, belts on Johnny Ace's desk)
Yeah, i had a feeling this was going to happen, but on the bright side, I would rather them take the delay time to make sure the game preforms the way it should, and the story is solid, then have a quick release on a piece of shit.
So I'm willing to wait patiently. Between PC/Switch/PS5 i have a rather large backlog.
IBF Poor ppl don't deserve free handouts, anyone who is poor should be killed, so I have to pay for my internet bc I actually work? etc.
You don't see or care of the bigger picture.
Just because some family households may be living under poverty levels, doesn't mean it's a handout. Some families might have disabled children or parent, that eats up a huge chuck of their income (doctors visits, medication, medical equipment ect) Some people might have large families, more mouths to feed, means less money.
Whatever the situation, while i do agree, when it comes to the homeless, that many choose to put and keep themselves in that situation, because of the drugs and alcohol abuse.
The people/families/children that are living honestly, and are being hit by hard times, and are just looking to live, I feel don't deserve the harassment.
and who knows, One of those under privileged kids, might grow in to the next adult that discovers a cure for a illness or disease that one of YOUR family members might have, and can possibly save their life, and it may all be because that under privileged child had access to learning material (not just books, but the internet) to help them succeed.
That's what this program hopes to inspire...
It's NOT the 10s of millions of kids and adults that are saying "Hey, free internet" and will just use it to become more stupid (streaming movies for the idiot box)
This program is for the VERY FEW people, that can potentially change or perhaps save the world.
Unfortunately the morons will benefit for this too... but, it will be worth it, if we can all travel further, and live longer.
Hardly would consider internet a necessity. Give me the money I would be out fishing every day and never look at the internet. Where is my fishing welfare? You play video games and use the internet out of convenience and because it is cheap entertainment. Its like having cable tv in the 70s/80s never got welfare for that or any kind of regulations to keep them from gouging their customers with shady business practices.
How about with Internet we start there. Quit letting them use cable company tactics to rob the consumer.
its more of a necessity than fishing. for the people that fish for a living, its one thing, but your describing more of a hobby, then making a living.
The internet is used by many (myself included) NOT just for hobbies (like video games and other forms of entertainment) but, for work, school, shopping ect.
Some people might not have that local "Best Buy" "Target" "Home Depot" ect. close to them, or retail prices may be too high, or like shopping from their toilet. (like me)
You may say you'll never use the internet (if you had your fishing) but, everyone (including the fish) take a break... You would get tired eventually sitting in a boat, or at the very least want to cook up and eat those yummy fish, while watching your favorite TV show on Netflix (which as we all know, requires the internet to stream)
Face it, the internet is more of a necessity than you and some others may realize or want to accept... Hell your all using the internet RIGHT NOW to post your replies and read these stupid articles. Facebookin' it (internet) Spotify (internet) Amazon Alexa (internet) Playing games online with your friends (internet) Smart TV (internet) Youtube (internet) News (TV or internet, i prefer the internet for my news)
Humanity has lived for thousands and thousands of years without TV and internet... You show me a kid nowadays that can "live" without it.
It's too intertwine with our culture (especially today and future generations as technology progresses) to say anyone would give it up
The BIGGEST problem i had with Destiny, still exist, and whats keeping THIS D-Vet from coming back... That being Loot.
aside for a few PvP guns, ALL loot in the game is too "available" to EVERYONE.
Meaning everyone has the same shit.
The few pvp guns (at the time, i don't know about now) that were practically unobtainable, if you weren't interested in the pvp or just plain sucked at it... and didn't get any better, unless you had friends that would carry you thru places like, the lighthouse.
Another reason why i stopped playing, i was decent at pvp, but not good enough to carry 2 other shitty randoms thru flawless... I hated not being able to get access to that lighthouse loot every week.
but, the loot issue is still my biggest issue... part of the fun (for me) is that "flex" and it just doesn't feel as good when everyone else is "flexin" the same shit! (aside from the few lucky or god tier pvp players, that are "flexin" that lighthouse/flawless/adept whatever they call it now, loot)
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments