One way or another, Although it is said that the hip injury/surgery let loose a blood clot that cause the heart attacks, I guarantee the years of Drug and Alcohol abuse was a contributing factor... even if you just site the hip surgery, He needed his hip replaced for a reason... the years of abuse on his body from the "bumps" he took in and out of the ring.
I grew up watching wrestling, in his era, before, during, and even after his prime (post WWE/TNA/Indies) and regardless of what he did in his personal life, to himself, It doesn't change the way i feel about him.
I'm glad that i got to see him in one or two of the most memorable storylines in wrestling history, and for him to have been inducted (appearing clean and sober) in the WWE HOF.
Hope he gets better, the world still needs "The Bad Guy" ... HEY, YO!?
Yeah, the game is pretty dope. I've been pretty wrapped in it for about 20hrs+ now. Staggers a bit in some fights and areas, but its playable... Hopefully a better update will come soon though.
The most worried I am (and have been) about this movie is,
Robert pattinson as batman
the 3 hour runtime (for 3+hr, you better have a strong movie)
The story.
I seen the IGN review giving it a 10 (masterpiece) and, now GameSpot's 6 (fair) score. I was kinda excited about the 10 score, because I figured its possibly an 8 at least (fingers crossed),
but the 1 thing that personally threw me off about the IGN video review giving a perfect 10 is that... (NOT to sound sexist) a woman gave the review.
There is nothing wrong with woman reviewing, watching, doing ect. anything a man can, but in my experience, when it comes to these "superhero" movies, there is usually a difference between what a woman thinks is "cool" and what the 18-49 demo male thinks is "cool"
I think the last game review I read on GameSpot, that a women wrote, was the cyberpunk review. She bashed the "unnecessary" use of showing "private parts" and I believed got roasted in the comments.
Now coming from at least one Man's perspective, I hate censorship, regardless of the media.
If its the game developers vision to show nudity in their art, why censer their art? Just because "a few" won't like it, or deem it "too much"?!
Sighhhhhh, now that I finalllllly got that off my chest, let the flaming begin, I need something to read, that tickles me, when I'm on the shitter. =)
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments