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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

If I had to guess... Its NOT professor X.

I think its suppose to be "The Watchers" and THIS is Strange's "trial" for interfering with the multiverse in No way home.

We seen a watcher in the "what if" Disney+ show... And I believe Strange was standing in front of one of them, right before he tells strange "the truth"... Maybe about the multiverse?!

Don't know, we will just have to wait and see. :)

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@what101 said:

@wackiewackie: OK so first off, only Daredevil and Punisher were good. Everything else was decent (Jessica Jones) to straight garbage (Iron fisting)

Second of all, this is normal for a partnership that ends. They could have acquired the rights to distribute these shows themselves and are gonna put them in their platform. No idea what you mean about "killing off" shows they own.

They already introduced Matt Murdock and Kingpin in their universe so most likely they're planning their shows too. Most likely these shows will go to their platform as well.

Netflix can kiss my ass after how they butchered one of my favorite heroes from MARVEL (Iron Fist)

I agree with most of what you said, except i don't believe they'll release the netflix shows on Disney+... If i had to guess, Disney wants the younger audience to forget about these shows (and stories) So they can eventually bring back some of the characters and "PG" them to hell.

The older audience will follow, because its more of their "favorite" comic book heroes (at least that's the case for me, coming from being a HUGE fan of the netflix's "MA" rated punisher show) even if (BIG IF) Disney does bring back punisher, it most likely will be a "watered down" version of him... but, hey It's Frank Castle! as long as Jon Bernthal plays him, I'll give it a shot.

As for Matt Murdock/DD, I think the most fitting show to place him in (at least to start, and test the waters of the popularity of a Disney Daredevil) is the Upcoming "She-Hulk" Disney+ show... I can see both of them going at it in the courtroom by day... add in a little of "Foggy Nelson" and a cool costume for DD (netflix costume or better) and I'm down.

as for Iron Fist, never really got behind his comics, but the netflix show was ass... also the guy that played him was shit.

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I like Tom Holland, but he seems a bit short to play James Bond... Kind of a "baby face" too

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

Well, it looks like the PS fans cried out loud enough to warrant a response... but, keep this in mind, While it does says "into the future" the future can be any number of different times... right now! an hour from now, a day, month, year, 10 years ect.

Take "future" with a grain of salt, for those of you that care. =D

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

@cboye18 said:

@j3diknightdave: Marketing, far bigger gaming audience and huge popularity of the franchise did that. GTAV is still a pretty good game, and it has a multiplayer mode that exponentially boosts its replayability factor. It does the open-world formula justice much more than many new games today.

But I found it rather underwhelming and kinda bland myself when I compare it to its predecessors. The story and characters weren't really great this time around, the side missions and activities were boring, cheats and weapon variety felt lacking and you die too fast.

fair enough. =)

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@Milknweed said:

@j3diknightdave: I said little replayability, I did all the side missions of which there was very little. GTA 5 is nothing like its previous iterations in which they had dates, gang wars collectables/managine a nightclub and much more. Like i said aside from the story GTA5 had LITTLE playability, which a xpac couldve easily fixed but instead they focused on their multiplayer in which i had 0 interest in. Hop off R$ balls they been milking the game for almost 10 years now.

Lol so you didn't like gtav as much as other entries, because (as you said) has"little replayability"?

The game has a lot of "playability" and it's within the users (you) "ability" to replay the game as much as you do or in your case don't want to replay...

Also, if you want a nightclub, play gtao.

Collectibles... gtav got them.

And as for dates, just go to a strip club in game, make the money meter full and take one back to your crib...

If you actually want to take them out to dinner first... Too bad, play SA for that, and if you want a little "Hot Coffee" with your dates... Just grow the f*ck up and get a real GF, or BF (whatever you prefer) so you don't have to watch animated sex, like a pervert... Because we all know, THAT'S the thing you wanted most, or it wouldn't have been the first thing you mention in your post.

So instead of me (and for that matter millions of others apparently) hopping off R$ balls... Why don't YOU go sit in the corner, with the rest of the 14 year olds, and wait for YOURS to drop. Buddy. =D

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@bookfan8780: I agree.

as for the GTAO comment, I thought the same since release, but last year, I was bored and decided to play it for a bit. While I haven't played since, I did get my online character up to 128, and I did find myself looking up, how to get and do things... So any game that can keep my attention for the better half of 3 months, deserves some love (time)

The only thing that got me to stop playing was basically owning everything. (Bunker/agency/nightclub/arcade/penthouse/garage/cars/planes/hangers ect)

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@cboye18: I'd have to agree and disagree... SA was F'N amazing, but without actually looking at total numbers sold, I would guess GTAV outsold SA (probably every GTA at this point) so going by sheer numbers (if in fact I am correct about sold units) The fun factor must have been there for most, if they sold 155+ million of GTAV