Hopped on the computer a little later than 4:00 PM today so I ended up missing a half hour or so of the live GDC coverage on Gamespot but all in all, it was a good show. What impressed me most was the gameplay footage of Bionic Commando, which has no set release date as of yet. Even though the demo that was shown was said to be "50% finished", it looked awesome. The grappling hook looked absolute kick--s and the rappling from branch to branch just looks like a ton of fun. Perhaps most eye-popping was the sheer eye candy of the game. The environments are flat out gorgeous and that's coming from an abysmal 100k video quality stream. I'll admit that I had hardly heard of this game before watching the GDC coverage but it is definitely a game I will be keeping my eye on now.
Tomorrow is that day that every hardworking man or woman, guy or girl, student or person with a job looks forward to, Friday. I know the whole idea that a week goes by faster is all in your head but this week felt particularly fast. Probably because I had Monday off but for the most part, aside from today, it's been pretty relaxing. For tonight I have calculated that I have around 4 hours total of studying and homework to do so I should be getting a head start on that as it is already past 7:00 here and I'll be watching the new episode of LOST later tonight but no, I'm here on Gamespot slacking off as usual.
No real plans for the weekend other than to relax and play some games and celebrate my big brother's birthday on Saturday when he turns the big 2-0. Not sure where we'll be going out to dinner yet but it'll probably end up being Todai, an all-you-can-eat Japanese seafood and sushi restaurant and my brother's all-time favorite eat out place. There's a reason why we only go there on special occasions or if we're all just really, really hungry, it's about $26 per person.
Nothing really big going down lately as you can see. I'll probably end up renewing my subscription to Gamefly on Saturday when it runs out as I have been pleasantly surprised by its service, despite some minor problems and annoyances which include a lost game in the mail and an unreadable disc that I had to send back. If I had to give Gamefly a score on a scale of 10, I'd probably give it a strong 9. For some reason though, they refuse to send out Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga despite the fact that it is at the top of my queue and is at 'high availability.' Instead, they sent out The Club which released on Tuesday. It only got a 7.0 from Gamespot which is pretty disappointing but I'll make my own judgment of the game when I play it myself which will hopefully be tomorrow if the post office can get it to my door.
I know I promised you guys a full-length review on BioShock a few weeks ago and first impressions on Professor Layton but unfortunately time has not allowed me to do so but I promise to get around to it soon. In fact, I'll get to my impressions on Professor Layton right now, short and sweet: It's a great game with an interesting storyline, the puzzles are all fun and different, and the art style and cut scenes are awesome. If you own a DS and are a fan of puzzle games or just appreciate a game with excellent production values and artwork, then by all means give Professor Layton a shot. I doubt you'll be disappointed; it's just an excellent overall game.
Well it's creeping around 7:20 now and I started the blog at around 7:08 or so and I haven't gotten around to eating dinner yet so I'll wrap up things here. If any of you guys are LOST fans, let me know of what you thought about the episode after it airs here on the west coast.