j_bro007's forum posts
Damn, link wont work
Nevermind I'll post it. Its from gamepro.com
According to SCEE CEO David Reeves, the complaints about Sony "copycatting" Nintendo's motion sensing on the Wii controller is pure hokum.
Reeves recently told British trade pub MCV that "some people have asked if [the PS3 motion-sensing features were] a last minute thing." It wasn't, assures Reeves, as the motion-sensing capabilities were "planned for around 2.5 years."
the motion sensor was planned from the start, so everybody can stop b****ing about sony coping nintendo
But if you want a wireless controller with bluetooth and motion sensors, Sony had to take something from the controller. I've seen a blue version of the PS2 controller and there are 2 engines in the controller that are big!Dark_Webster
thats exacly what i've been trying to say
Well anyways. I think they should smooth that controller down, because after a long gaming day my hands hurt at the edges of the controller
you do know that it is the final design right?
the dude that came out at the end of the sony press conferance said so
(NOTE: So unpleasant situations won't occur... I'm NOT a Nintendo/xbox fanboy and I generally Don't have a thing against Sony Playstation............................... till now that is :) So PS fanboys, hold your tight trousers )
As far as I can see.. Sony won't give a **** if their, eternal, finger-torturing, controller will work or not (look at that crappy demonstration for that flight game)... the thing is, they noticed the possibilities of a motion sensor controller and the positive reactions Nintendo got for it...
Not putting a pleasent gameplay, but a dollar bill, at the first place.. they now this zombie-acting world (and in this case the playstation user) will headlessly accept and buy this ps3 cause:
"Playstation is as innovative like nintendo's Motion Sensor controller"(not knowing N's nearly perfected this and PS made a crappy version of it, not for the games, but stealing a unique selling point from Nintendo) On other forums I've seen Playstation fanboys knowing this but as an excuse their crying: 'it's not as extended as N's motion controller' and when you say: ' *sigh*' their last escape will be: 'whaoaoooaaa!! Nintendo isn't so innovative either cause the idea of a motion controller has been designed by somebody else a time ago, so nintendo isn't so innovative either' stupid excuses for a simple thing guys, just admit it, playstation is admitting to use foul play when cornered....
"I'm getting a Playstation because it is EVEN more powerful then microsoft's Xbox!! Better graphics, better games!!!".... (Absolutely pathetic and most used argument *sigh* I've read that at this moment, game designers won't be able of using more than 20% of the ps's power... developing a game will cost a Minimum of 25 Mil. dollars because of it's complex system... my experience: making a game more gorgeous doesn't necesseraly means it would be more fun, innovation does.... most people just don't get that...)
I know I've deviated a bit from the true topic...sorry for that!!
When Sony wont give a **** for innovation, gameplay and (concerning the motion thing from Nintendo, stealing N's unique selling point) ethics. I truly lost my last bit of faith in Sony..... I think you should too...
Sony is getting a bit Fony with it's Gaystation assknighting it's rivals....
you dont have a thing aginst sony right?
then what is all this s*** you are talking about then, "gaystation" ?
you clearly have something against them, did anybody once asked did sony plan to have a tilt sensor from day1
obviously no, since nintendo bought out their controller first in tokyo last year and said what it can do then at E3
sony finally decided to reveal their controller's new feature but because nintendo showed it first everybody
is screaming "SONY COPIED NINTENDO" sony did not i repeat DID NOT copy nintendo's idea
i said it before and i will say it again, sony took out the rumble feature to make room for batteries and
they said the rumble motor was screwing with the motion sensor, for them to say something like that
can only mean one thing, they planed the motion sensor from day 1, and one more thing
the rumble motor would have drained the batteries, since the controller is wireless sony knew from day 1 that
all of that s*** would not fit so they made some changes they knew if the rumble was scraped gamers would
be mad as hell (like most of you are now) so they did something to make up for it
so stop saying that sony "made a big mistake" or "stole nintendo's idea"
sony don't need a "gimick" to get ahead in the business world
if history repeats its self then sony will rise to the top agian and be the best system on the market
Sony has won the next-gen console wars. That's all I really have to say. I admit, Nintendo had a chance but can a TV remote stand up to a controller that has proven to work? No, Sony has won.
thats what i have been trying to say all along
but nobody wants to listen
What about the seven controller part? How would you have 7 screens or even players at once on a television?tej-c
that might be used more in sport games
i think you can say something like: i tilted the controller too much and thats why you won
or, i was moving my controller and messed-up my combo;)
heh i just thought of something....know when u get mad u sometimes shake the controller....well you cannot get past a part in Warhawk and u start shaking it and pressing buttons through rage...not even lookin at the screen... and you beat it...hah that would be awesomeBluestorm-Kalas
sy_la_bus i cant believe your trying to compare a gameboy colour game using tilt with the ps3 controller haha. You need to just appreciate Sonys efforts at trying to make a better gaming machine theres no need to try and put them down about it at least their trying different things then the regular controller. People like you would still put them down if they just left vibration on the controller. People would prefer motion detecting in games then vibration so dont try and make it sound like noone cares about it. anferny87
well said anferny87
i think you are right about fact that some people don't have anything else to do but complain about the new tilt sensor
because it came at the cost of the rumble feature, im willing to bet that if sony never said or did anything about adding
a tilt sensor and went ahead and release the duel shock3, it would have had gamers wanting for more.
heres another question? did anybody stop and think about battery life of the controller?
i mean if the controller is still the same size, where would the batteries go if they kept the rumble feature and
how long would the life span be? (don't even think about taking a scecond look at that jacked up boomerang controller it sucks get over it, its gone) i think sony did the right thing in my opinion, the handles on the controller
will be the best place to put the batteries (where the rumble motor used to be) and the center part will house the
all new motion sensor, the motion sensor will not put a huge strain on battery life like the rumble motor would
but with all that being said i only have one more question? will the new controller be durable and would
"accidentally" droping the new controller damage the new tilt sensor?
only time will tell
Why in the world would they sacrifice the rumble feature for such a half-arsed, sloppily done gimmick? Your guess is as good as mine...
Also researching your favorite console on website's OTHER than Gamespot will do some people a decent amount of good...they do play favorites sometimes as I'm sure many of you know, in their synopsis of the PS3 they were totally biased and unobjective about many of it's shortcomings...Of course, much of this can change before the PS3 is released and as a Sony fan I really WANT it to...but from an objective standpoint atm, I don't see myself buying a PS3...it's too little too late.
Here's a small snippet of the PS3 showing at E3 in a nutshell...you can see for yourself how sluggish/unresponsive the tilt-motion function is in action (compare to the Wii and you begin to wonder why they even bothered at all with it), on the only game they showed using this "advanced" technology, Warhawk...the price-point for the system is also outrageous, way to alienate and give your base demographic the shaft Sony...(however I will admit the Star Wars chess-like game they were showing looks interesting)
J_bro007, seriously you are the worst kind of fanboy troll trash...try knowing what you're talking about next time before trying to sell PS3's motion sensor as a step "in a new direction".
1. did you ever think about the fact that the warhawk game was a DEMO! and the game is still being worked on.
2. you do know you have the freedom of choice right (thats why there are 3 systems to chose from instead of 1)
3. like i said the first time, its my opinion not yours so BACK OFF!
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