The year...1995. The place...Illinois. The season...summer. It was a summer I could hardly forget. It was the summer of the SNES for me and my family. The Super Nintendo has been out awhile but it wasn't affordable until this year. I learned more about the SNES when my friend's family got him one. The SNES was totally cool. The unit's graphics and games were looking great (for that time and age). Microsoft wasn't even in the gaming industry. With the SNES, I managed to get a variety of different games. The main games I enjoyed were Street Fighter II, Killer Instinct and of course Mortal Kombat. My SNES library also included Super Mario All*Stars and Super Mario 4. It was also in this same era that Super Mario Brothers Cartoon was active and Captain N " The Game Master ". Even to this day of the new Millinium, I think back and wish I could watch those same shows. None the less, the Super Experience wasn't fully realized until I got Final Fantasy II (North American Release). Here, I learned to master the art of RPGing. Little did I know that I was going to be upgrading my video game experience within the following year. In the meantime, I rented and played every game I felt interested in learning (ideally RPG games and Street Fighter Games).
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