3 Weeks & 2 days to go and I will be redundant. Even though I got a new job (one of the few after the redundancies) I have decided after a 6 month trial that the job is not what they sold - it might be in 18 months time, but I am tired of fixing departments, always having to struggle against the flow to get anything done - thus I have decided to put me first. So I have taken redundancy, and are going to study for 6 months to hopefully finish my final qualification. Its really pretty well timed as it will also give me an opportunity to bond with my lovely 8 month old son.
I might even get a chance to play some more games:
Xbox - currently very quite at the moment, but the disk in the drive is NFS - Most Wanted - am really enjoying it, but sometimes still think that the first one was the best - just something about how the story line moved, but am really enjoying it when I get a chance to play - especially the odd dust up with the cops.
Neverwinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark is one drive, and the manual disk for my new Sony HDR-SR5E is in the other. I absolutely love NWN, but have really struggled as I have always only had a couple of hours, if that every other week to play and sometimes go months without being able to play - but am still loving it. Am currently running around the frozen wastes of hell - after just giving the mimic a sound thrashing. Roll on the good times.
Mobile - currently playing Leisure Suite Larry - what a blast. Good looking adventure game - quite funny too.
Reading - currently reading a fantastic SF write John Ringo - the Legacy of the Alldenata series --> Really good reading. I came across this author due to this fantastic library that gives you a taste of an author by allowing you to download some free books:
http://www.baen.com/library/ hoping that you will like what you read and therefore go out and buy some books. Have downloaded virtually there whole free library onto my mobile (E61 using MobiReader). Got me hooked on some of these authors - wont be the last time I buy some of these authors books. (Have already bought the whole of Bujold Vorkosigan Series - fantastic writing again - and such great characters). Generally read this on the tube - to and from work.
So my hobbies have taken a bit of a battering lately, which has really put me behind on my personal photography Digital Raw processing and printing - not the end of the world though. Been pushed back even more as we have purchased a camcorder to record the nippers moments - HDR-SR5E - we wanted a cheapish HD camcorder that was on HDD so we didn't have to worry about media and was easy to use - no competition. But this has meant I have spent a bit of time getting to grips with the camcorder and with its software. The end result of this purchase has swayed my PS3 / XBOX360 debate on which to get - looks as though it will eventually be the PS3 as it will be able to play the HD footage from the camcorder - I know I can convert to the XBOX360 but I generally just don't have the time for this.
Hope you all have a good weekend...