Oblivion Pretty Cool - Some Problems
by jabbamonkey on Comments
Well, I have been immersed in the world of Oblivion for the last few weeks and have not posted (plus, work has been busy). At first glance, Oblivion is beautiful compared to most other games out there. You may need a high-end PC to fully experience it, but it's still amazing. I was in awe for the first week, but encountered some things that make me a bit irritated. I've posted a spectacular review about the game, so I'll use this blog to mention some of the things that bother me. But, I'll state again, I think this game is great, regardless of the faults I mention below ... First of all, I will state a major glitch I found in the game. I was following the main storyline, and finished one of the main quests (I gave Martin some armor he needed). Martin told me he had some studying to do and that I should come back ... well, it's been 11 game days since I left Martin and he has yet to give me any quests to finish the game. I have posted countless threads on the elderscrolls forum, and even tried contacting their tech support (who seem to be ignoring me) ... noone seems to be able to help me. So, at this point I have an amazing game that I will never be able to finish. THAT is frustrating. Thankfully there are plenty of faction questions and misc quests to keep me busy. Other things are the interface. It is VERY clunky, as if it was primarily for a console. The menu items are HUGE and you can't sell multiple items at once (making it time consuming to sell goods). Also of note is the "drag" feature, where you can interact with objects by picking them up and moving them around (or throwing them). It is a little "clumsy" to use. And draggin bodies is EXTREMELY difficult to do on the PC. Morrowind, it's prequal, had some great features that I miss. Oblivion doesn't allow you to wear clothing AND armor. It's one or the other ... I found this agravating. For exampe, you cant wear shirts under robes; and some pieces of clothing (such as robes) took up space for pants AND shirts. Ug. At least they kept rings and necklaces in. There are some other problems I have, but these are the first list. I hope this helps in your decision to play/buy the game!