So I've been checking out the features at E3 (online), and have to say, there are some real winners out there ... and some REAL losers.
PS3 lost alot of clients by not being released at the same time as the XBOX360, and since the new price is going to be over $500, they are going to lose alot more. They've alienated their clients by releasing so late, and the price is so expensive that most people aren't going to go for it (I know I'm going to wait until the price shoots down to 300 ... which could take ALOT of time). And what parents are going to spend $500 on a console (well, I live in Manhattan, and there are some wealthy parents here that would). This whole PS3 thing is disappointing ... I was looking forward to the PS3, but decided to stick with my PC.
The new total war looks WAY COOL. They improved alot graphically. Although, all the previews seem to be mentioned the battles, and little along the way of the strategy element. They said that the units were going to be more diverse (not clones of each other) and the new battlefield city-generator will be awesome. Supposedly, they are adding the Americas (for trade, not gameplay), and have added a new unit called the Merchant. Those are two nice elements. It looks cool, and I think it will be worth it.
I saw that Scarface is coming out. Looks cool, but there are so many crime games recently that it's a little too much. This is a game that I will wait and see if it's any good. I wont rush to the store on the first day of sales to buy another GTA clone. First it was GTA, then Godfather, now Scarface .... and now they are also creating Resevoir Dogs ... oh come on. They all try to hide behind their Movie titles, but they are GTA clones in some way.
Spore looks interesting, although I havent really looked into it much...
I saw that Microsoft was creating Shadowrun ... this was a great Hacker RPG for SEGA. After reading the preview, they said it wasnt going to be like the old game at all. They will probably stip the game of it's hacker-gameplay and make it another hack-n-slash / shoot'em-up.
I saw that they were making a new Indiana Jones games. I loved the old Point-N-Click games of the Lucasfilm era. The modern Lucasfilm game just don't have the flare that those old games did. Unless some RAVE reviews come out, I'm going to wait til this game hits the bargin bin.
That's it for now. Catch ya later.
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