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jack_russel Blog

Musical Museum 2

I'm listening to a lot of weird crap. first is Klaus nomi. He's some freakish looking german dude who made a bunch of weird music video's in the 80's. His singing makes my ears bleed. It sounds terrible. Horrible. it makes me wanna barf. And I kinda like it ...I don't know. lets see what else...Oh, speaking of weird music videos: Beep me 911. I've been listening to a lot of missy elliot latley. I'm surrprised at how fresh and current her music sounds years latley. I'm really liking Shawty is a ten by "the dream" too. This one is less weird than the others. The dudes voice in this song sounds like he's 12 or something, but I think it sounds cool. I like the simplicity of it all. hmmm....Oh yea. I've also been listening to homemade music on They have a section where peole can upload their music for all the world to hear. Most of it is techno and stuff. I like this one. Thats about it...

Killzone2 bet

 theres this new bet on The system wars board. The bet is over weather or not killzone2 will be AAA. Some say it will, Others say it won't. The losing side has to post a video of themselves eating a cheeseburger. I don't really care either way, but I think it's a cool little thing to be involed in, so I'm doing it. I'm betting that it will be AAA.

Musical Museum

Last year my friend showed me a song by this band called "she wants revenge" and I've really gotten into them lately. It's apparently goth rock, which is something I've never listend to before, but I like these guys. The stuff is so gloomy and weird, but it sounds cool. they also make this song called "Sister" which I'm addicted to. Its so weird.

I love newyork on Vh1.

 It's such a horrible show, but I'm so into it. If you don't know, it's a reality show about that chick that got turn down by TWICE on flavor of love. And if you don't know what that is, it was a show on vh1 where flavor flave picks from a bunch of ghetto chicks. Well now the most ruthless girl from that show has her one of her own, and it's garunteed to be just as gross and horrible as the last two seasons. But I'm gonna watch it anyway.