jackalt / Member

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jackalt Blog

prison break

prison break was amazing---the only thing is that michael did something really stupid by calling the tv channel...he made the guy kill himself and now they're on the run again!! there was no point to that...but it was still good

avatar movie!!!!

M. Night Shyamalan is directing the new live action avatar movie! i do agree with some of the posts that disagree with the idea of a live action movie, bcuz it might suck and so avatar will lose its fans..but i dont think avatar fans are that way and even still..lets give it a chance it could make avatar even more popular


i have added the amv vids that i have created...one of which is an avatar one..so check it out!!

Vaizards and Arrancars!!!

bleach is starting with the new episodes..and finished with the fillers---the vaizard and arrancar saga has begun and u just cant miss out---download it from our friendly, free dattebayo website!!


Im too into avatar these past few weeks...and i honestly cant wait for the third season to START!! its goin to be too crazy

just me

heyy..its bluedevil, its my first blog and my first time in a WHILE that im on this site...since its my first blog ill keep it short...