- Jackamomo’s Activity
Simulation games are still being made. You can mow fields all day in a combine harvester if you like. Also Garbage Trucks, aeroplanes (boring), and others probably.Also the management genre like footb...
Not sure what Epic are offering apart from forcing you to use it's store if you want certain games.
I don't see how this is different to GameSpy which came with my smart-tv.Why does it need a gpu to stream video?Unless, it is to cut down on internet speed requirements, rendering locally instead of r...
I'm so confused as to what I am right now.It's clear I'm in the right though because counter arguments to the hypothesis that there is not enough inclusivity on gaming include gems such as 'why aren't...
I need to shout out It's a Pixel Thing for his Spectrum coverage and racing games series and pointing out Old Towers for Spectrum, browser and pc free to play indy game of which I just downloaded the...
Yeah. I would be one of those really angry chefs (quite a high percentage actually) that gets really emotional and throw them out for being filthy millenials and photographing every f*cking thing so ...
Seeing French cops walking around with f*cking sub machine guns in the Paris metro was pretty rad.
mrbojangles25 Are you the devil?The young should take priority because old people have already had their fun.But autism does not affect life expectancy and are still human beings. omg.Even if they are...
Epic fail(recent gs forum updates) boom.
@mclarenmaster18: I was thinking of Action Fighter but just thought 'f*ck it - post your smart arsed comment anyway without checking, what could go wrong?'.
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@Jag85: we could do this all day but ok then. I will admit I do not know the difference between a death match and a last man standing game. You win Jag.
@mclarenmaster18: Spy Hunter is a scrolling shooter where you play a flying car. It is in no way a racing game.Good SMS game though.I would say Dakar 18 is the best racing game out right now but one g...
In the end. You can always buy a new one there are generally loads floating around ebay in various states of repair.I don't regret selling my Mega Drive and games way back when because it's just eithe...
@Jag85: yeah. You can get a white guy or girl and colour it brown. I think thats about it. Probably afro's too.
@Jag85: can you post where you found that because I can't find any.I'm looking for default face templates for sims 4. I don't think I've seen any or if they can be made....but I'm not really a fan of ...
@Jag85: pity. I've never played them but am able to deduce from using my eyes what they contain. But clearly you are not willing to. How principled of you.as for 4chan. Chrome stopped me before going ...
@Jag85: you are making some pretty outrageous accusative jumps, Jag.Posting an image of a penis (sculpture) is not anti-feminist.Michelangelo's David was referenced earlier in this post (very sharp ea...
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