My birthday was on the 15th. I'm now 14. That was not my special announcement. That will come at the end.
I only mention the birthday to say that there are several important additions to my libary. First is the stunning Bionic Commando Rearmed. It was only 7 quid and it was certainly worth it. Really addictive and really good fun.
Right now you are expecting me to say that Rock Band was too expensive for my birthday and I'm all on my own crying as Christmas is ages away. You're wrong. Dead wrong. I own Rock Band and it is FRICKIN AWESOME! If anyone wants me, I'll be online at some point.
Now, my big announcement. Will come next blog later today. Yes I am trying to feign some sort of false suspense. All I'm saying, is that it's the return of a fan favourite.
Join the "Bring Muppet Monster Adventure To The PSN Petition" below in the comments.
CP out.