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pick your review

Hey guys itsme jackhalflife just want you to know at I am making an update I giving you anchoice would you like me to review the original Fable for the original xbox or review Lord of the rings conquest for xbox 360 or movie review of Cloverfield just comment and I will review it you have until the 10th of April to comment the review at has been most requested I will review it if you pick Fable I will review it then do my game of 2008 awards if you pick Lord of the rings conquest I will review it then Fable then my game of 2008 awards if you pick Cloverfield I will review it then Fable then my game of 2008 awards if you don't comment I will pick my review ok just comment and the one at gets the most requested I will review ok this is jackhalflife singing out;)bye.