Removing the cost of the software, this is very expensive cardboard. I know it will be a lot of fun, i'm not dismissing that. It's the pricing needs to be re-thought.
@gotrekfabian: It'll probably be that price (i'm guessing, could be surprised if it's £25-£30 but this is Ubi). 2 packs not out until January and March, and a price up front for it. And you get a weapon, costume and some other cosmetic stuff in November. Least they have free DLC to keep things ticking over, however i'll probably be done with Origins by November/December.
I'll wait on the season pass sale before getting it, that's if i do pick it up. $40 (which will probably be £30-£40) is a rip off considering the base game costs about that.
For a £12.99 a month service, i know there's choice for games. But i don't think it's taken off as well as they wanted it to, which is a shame. Sony need to rejig the Now service to be more palatable for everyone, i mean they just cranked PS+ up by £10 a year so some people are still miffed at that.
Yet another possible streaming service, i mean how many do we need. Myself, i have Netflix and NowTV. Once a year i get Amazon Prime to watch The Grand Tour, but that's about it. The streaming services available now, there's too many it's becoming a joke. The UK alone has Netflix, Amazon, NowTV (Sky light without a sub), Mubi, Disney Kids, Wuaki, Curizon and YouTube (i know this is free, but it counts as TV shows are on here too). Even Talk Talk, BT and Sky are doing it (Sky with Q).
Too much choice, people may just go back to Cable and Satellite services and use catch-up through there.
Sony just needed to showcase games, and they did that. Ok, the games on show were mostly from 2016's E3. But to be fair, that's all they needed to show. Perhaps another surprise or two would have been nice to see.
Jacknapes' comments