The same thing is happening to me on the Uncharted 3 Forums. It's not on any other ones that I've searched through though.
jackozz15's forum posts
Thanks, I'll give that a try :)
My brother's downloaded the inFamous game, and the PS+, but it won't allow him to choose a second game. Where the 5 games usually are, there is just blank boxes. The only thing remaining is the PS+. Any ideas what he's done wrong, and if there's a way to fix it?
Thanks :)
Is anyone else in the UK having lag issues? On Uncharted 2 it's lagging constantly, although it wasn't when it first came back. I don't think it's the servers since everyone else in the games seem to be fine, but they could be playing somewhere else entirely.
Ahh so it's not back here yet :) Damn :P
Hey guys, can someone explain to me what's going on? (I'm from UK, btw)
I've installed the update on my PS3. On their website, it says to change the password, but I don't know how to :/
The link on the website is still under maintenance, and everyone's talking about an e-mail here :/
By the by, my PSN account was made on the PS3.
How can I change it?
I have exams in a few weeks, so the outage has given me more incentive to revise :P I only have 2 games that I play multiplayer online with, and I'm not too raged about it since I have the Wii and the Nintendo 3DS
To everyone that's whinging about it, what do you expect them to do? If they bring it up too early the same thing would happen again. The reason they're not giving a timeframe is that they don't know. Whinging won't bring it back up any quicker, so play some SP or find something else to do.
I am thinking to buy pokemon on the gba sapphire/ruby and emerald, but I've been reading that the battery dies after 5 years and you have to change itso itcan save or the day/night system can work again. It's kind of expensive to buy those games new as they are rare. So do your old pokemon gba games still work?
I think you're confusing R/S/E with Gold Silver and Crystal. The GBC versions stopped working since the Day/Night clock battery broke down, so they were left useless, which influenced the HG/SS.
R/S/E didn't have a Day or Night.
I think Civil War America would be cool, but I doubt it since there was a picture in an Ubisoft video of the Civil War, so I think they put it in to stop those rumours, or they were ... triple...crossing us? Please don't ask me to expand on that one :P
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