..watch as good friends scream LET ME OUT." Pretty easy song, most of you should know the original. Heres a hint: MCR and The Used did a cover of it a couple of years ago.
Song of the day:
Some people really crack me up. A few nights ago I was doing a late shift at work and usually if the managers cool, I usually throw in a cd to listen to, just to make the time go by faster. I had the new Coldplay album in (Yes I enjoy the music of Coldplay) and I had a customer come in and say "What U2 Song Is This, Never heard it Before and I'm a Huge Fan Of Them." I can see how some people could think this, but not a "HUGE" fan of them. I just laughed and told him that it was Coldplay.
I saw this movie a while back when it first came out and remember it being very confusing and not very good. I was very young though and couldn't tell a good movie from a bad movie. I watched it a couple nights ago and was amazed. Has anyone else seen it? If so did you see that ending coming at you? This is by far my favorite film by Christopher Nolan. Yes this film surpasses Batman Begins and The Dark Knight IMO. Only thing I had against it was the layout of the menu on the dvd's, I found them quite confusing and took me about 4 minutes to find out how to play it :lol:
Last thing I have to say today is: I have come across an awesome album that I don't think anyone here has heard of...
Do You Like Rock Music? by British Sea Power.
The best pop/rock album I've heard in a while. Just give a few tracks a listen.