So I was browsing around a Game Exchange the other day and saw a new copy of Kingdom Hearts 2 (GH Version) for $20 and almost thought about picking it up, but I don't like my games to be GH versions so I decided not too. 2 minutes later I see a used copy of the game for $14.99 non-GH which was very tempting except that the case was cracked and I'm too peticular about the quality of my games so once again I had to pass on it. That has been eating at me for the last few days now, I have wanted that game since it's release day, but never picked it up for various reasons and passing up on it was kind of driving me crazy so I decided I was going to go back tomorrow on my lunch hour to pick it up. Anyone want to guess what happen? My wife and I went to Target today to get a game for my step sons birthday on Saturday so I figured what the hell lets look at their discounted games..... and guess what gem I found? Thats right ladies and gentlemen KINGDOM HEARTS 2!!! NON-GREATEST HITS VERSION..... FOR $9.99!!!! I just about wet myself with excitement and the best part is my wife didn't even question me buying a game for myself when we were there for our son. Ah the simple joy that games can bring.