I need to vent about the idiotic ways of my younger self which affected my gaming collection.
In the want for new games being released and the constant urge from one nameless friend, I sold a considerable portion of my gaming collection just to get my hands on a few new additions to it. Since I wasn't really concerned with collecting games as much as enjoying them and moving on I didn't realize the error of my ways until I started really building my collection about six months ago.
To fuel the fire even more I read a topic on one of the forums here about rare games and while reading the lists by posters about their games, I see that over half of the games I got rid of are now rare. Now I really don't have a good grasp on what games are and are not rare so their posts are the only thing I have to go on, but rare or not they were some great games that I am now regretting and must reacquire for my soul to be happy Following is a list of the few that quickly come to mind, just from the PSX games I sold.
- Medievil 1
- Medievil 2
- Mega Man Legends 1
- Mega Man Legends 2
- Megaman X4
- Megaman X5
- Beyond the Beyond
- Wild Arms
- Soul Blade
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater
- Marvel VS Capcom
That is just a quick recollection, but there are still more from my PSX games and even more from all my other systems that I have now made my personal mission to reacquire. Now I understand not all of those are rare... or even great for that matter, but still they were hard earned games in my younger days without a job.
I will be posting updates as my mission unfolds... Wish me luck... or not who out there really cares about my collection but me anyway.