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Returned from the void...

My my my, so it has been quite a while since I've really browsed this site; work, family and such, you understand I'm sure... and if not oh well, what's a guy to do. Sadly after all this time there really isn't much to say. My wife gave me a DS back in December for my birthday and I'm loving it. So far I've picked up (and finished) Castlevania Dawn of Sorrows, Portrait of Ruin, Final Fantasy III, Lunar Dragon Song, and Megaman ZX. I have to say Lunar and Megaman really disappointed me, but the others are great. I put in way too many hours trying to get 100% and 1000% on the maps in the Castlevania's and 100% on items, souls, quests, etc. For some reason, that makes me want to stab someone in the eye, I can't get my map to more than 99.9 on Dawn of Sorrow.

I also picked up Final Fantasy IV Advance and I'm 2 entries away from completeing my Bestiary which is all I really have left to do in the game. (I have way more time for postable systems now than anything else) Sooo... my next goal is to pick up Final Fantasy V and VI Advance as well as Puzzel Quest for my DS. That should keep me busy for another month or 2. I've become some what of a completionist since I really got into portable games, being able to play them at work, in the car, or anywhere else really.

On a side note I've had the last 2 days off of work and paid for it, I work for the government you see and the building I'm in was in danger of dropping the roof on our heads, so they can't let us come back to work until it is safe and they have to pay us for it. I guess there is a silver lining in any job. Well thats about all for now, I'll try and be a little more active in the months to come, but my wife and I are trying for another baby so we'll see what happens. Later all, for now