jactuvie's forum posts
I´m mexican, and I can tell you don´t ask for trouble, do it nice: "Podrian bajarle un poco a su musica, lo que pasa es que tengo un trabajo importante y no puedo concentrarme"
If they don´t listen: " De verdad es muy importante mi trabajo y si no puedo concentrarme tendre que llamar a la policia podrian bajarle un poco por favor"
And then if they continue call the police, you gave them 3 chances
I was wondering because it is also john so thats a big coincidence
I didn't know that in the movie DEMOLITION MAN the protagonist was named john spartan, when I noticed it, it came to my mind the master chief. Do you think Bungie take it from there?'
I dont think is a rumour because is the official magazine like I said but it can be an error or something. And this is the new magazine, and have like 5 pages talking about how it have the 3 games in one, but with the gameplay of the two thrones and the motion controls
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